3510 / 11273
Aug 2021

Updated just a few hours ago!
And the main characters are finally meeting!

Okay, this time I counted. I saw 114 different updates between my last chapter and todays update. And there is people who submitt multiple times between my publications! I don't know how do they do it. It's so much work to do it bi-monthly, it would kill me to do it weekly... unless I cut the pages and things like that, of course.

Anyway, here goes the link and the cover, just for shock value =D

Loved to do all the cosplays from this scene.

Corny, gay, highschool drama... what are you waiting for?

BL, Horror, Scifi with a large cast. People with supernatural powers killing each other in a live show in order to get a cure for their short lifespan.

Page 02 of Chapter 05 is up as danger approaching, Lyza seems to have a plan. A bit delayed but here it is.

Updates my novel. Check it out.

Just posted my second work!! This one is a lot more dark than artificer, so I hope people enjoy the chapters I posted.

Just updated. New episode!

Just updated the third episode of my GL :hype_01:

Updated this morning.

The series I work for just updated!
We made the obligatory beach episode for Scarlet Society!! hahaha

See you next month!

Today I published part two of my first historical fiction style chapter! It takes place in 532 AD, during a riot that started over a chariot race, then turned into a failed insurrection in which Constantinople was burned and 30k people were killed.

Guest art #4! This time it's Volken by good ol IHF!


Updated my novel yesterday! Please check it out if you can, I'd really appreciate it <3
My novel updates every Sunday, 12PM PST