3654 / 11176
Sep 2021

Battle shonen novel. Newest chapter is out now.

Chapter 17th of Centris "Is it just me?" (Extra points for those who guess the musical reference in the title)

That awkward moment when the hero goes off script in your villain escapades... Newest update of Murphy's Law is now up!

Fresh update! :blush:

ahh, i'm back to life after school killed me. ....with hands down the best episode of my comic so far. <333

New chapter of my weird and psychedelic story about an all-powerful witch, told through different points of view came out yesterday!

This newest chapter deals with a priest's crisis of faith, and how it's mended by someone one would assume works against God.

Chapter 2 Premiers today!!!

My novel is ongoing, and I've also started posting a comic I collaborated on today!

Novel "Kingdom of the Red Rose"

Comic "Missing Pieces"

Just posted chapter 31 of my comic!

I uploaded a new episode this morning! :smiley:

Just got another update done, and finally broke 1000 views.

The artist was sick with covid for awhile, but she has recovered.

New episode "Therapy" up now