3668 / 11176
Sep 2021

I uploaded a new episode this morning! :smiley:

Just got another update done, and finally broke 1000 views.

The artist was sick with covid for awhile, but she has recovered.

New episode "Therapy" up now

If you want an enthralling story with bountiful fight scenes and diverse characters built with blood sweat and tears then read my novel. I promise you won't be disappointed. Some scenes may contain gore or excessive violence so be careful. Thanks <3

Next three pages of "Project: Achilles" are up!

Just posted 3 more pages of my bizarro dark fantasy adventure comic (also known as an adjective soup comic…)

Just updated my slice of life rock band comic, The Middle. Come by and check it out!

Page 08 of Chapter 05 is up and this has been one of the most challenging pages yet, Lyza seems to getting herself in trouble?

Finished another chapter of my comic carnival theory! :slight_smile: come check it out! Think stranger things meets scoobydoo.

i just uploaded an episode today about agape, or universal love! i would love it if yall could check it out

Hey guys, I've just started this bitcomic series called 'where the empty blisses hide':

It would be awesome if you guys could check it out and maybe leave a comment with your first impressions slight_smile: Enjoy !

Today's episode includes a bar fight, and some information on what happens to gods who run out of believers.

Here's mine!