3709 / 11173
Sep 2021

Meet some new faces in the latest episode of Auster!

Hello, I just updated the third tale on the series “Drear Tales.” This series include creepy little tales based on the stories and rumours I have dreamt or heard from others with my own spins. Some tales are even based on my own experiences.
Thanks. Hopefully, you will enjoy it.

I just got here, so I'm not sure if this will suit you

but it's something that I've put a lot of work into

Updated today!

Update? Why yes I have! :dizzy: :sparkles:

I new episode has been uploaded. Come, See, and laugh! :smiley:

I update every sunday-tuesday!

Just updates 'The Love She Wanted'.

Hey, hello, people. I just begins my new superhero webcomic, "Cheap Heroes", with gifs, colours and bilingual format (The tet changes from english to spanish when 7 seconds past and returns). If you are instested in my new project, enjoy it!

(I update 12-16 panels a week in two chaps, mondays and fridays)

Had a new chapter come out yesterday, if anybody takes a look I hope you enjoy