3 / 71
Nov 2023

I don't see any 'useless facts' posts, topics, trends, or whatever the heck you call this crud, so Imma start one.

Feel free to add some of your useless facts here. The more useless, the better. If it's funny, EVEN better. I do like the funny.


  • CANNOT BE USEFUL If we can use it on a normal or extreme, life-threatening basis, it is useful. Violation of this rule will result in... nothing really. If you REALLY want to add a useful fact [disgusting], make sure to use the Hide Details option. Can't have you scaring people with useful facts, ya know?
  • Can be typed in any language of your choosing. All I ask is that it is respectful with no hidden, vulgar meaning
  • Cannot state the rules of this post as a fact - that's a useful fact
  • If you think your useless fact might sound offensive - somehow, yet I don't how - don't say it.
  • Avoid controversial stuff. I want this post to be as stupid as possible, not a breeding ground for drama
  • The useless fact has to be real. We are all educators here, not conspirators.
  • "Fun facts" can be included, but it has to be useless.
  • More rules yet to come. Hopefully, that doesn't happen.


lawns are generally made of grass, but on occasion they can be completely made of weeds that look like grass. (Especially where I live)

What about useful lies? I guess I'll hide it under a thing just in case ...


I've got somewhere to be

The word for "word" in my conlang Agalatian is "kátà" /ka͡ítˢ(ə̀)/

Anyone who has watched Phineas and Ferb would probably get the reference :smile:

A reference to a useless fact? Nice, nice-nice. Unfortunately, I haven't watched Phineas and Ferb to the end of its series. I wish I did, but I didn't. Steven Universe grabbed me, and I forgot all about it.

I'm hungry. Cheese platter, anyone?

"Rowler" is an alternative spelling for "roller".

It's pronounced with an "o" and not an "ow".