1 / 22
Jun 2021

Have your comic post been liked or shared by Tapastry on Instagram or Twitter.

  • Yes
  • No


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Have your comic post been liked or shared by Webtoon Canvas on Twitter or Instagram?

  • Yes
  • No


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Did your comic got promoted on Tapas on the front page after they liked or shared your comic post?

  • Yes
  • No


Votes are public.

Did your comic got promoted on the front page on Webtoon after they shared or liked your comic?

  • Yes
  • No


Votes are public.

Do you think there's a chance for a comic to be promoted on Tapas and Webtoon if they liked or share the comic on Instagram or Twitter?
Share your thoughts and experiences :sparkles:

  • created

    Jun '21
  • last reply

    Jul '21
  • 21


  • 1.1k


  • 18


  • 15


I’ve had like around 4? Twitter and Instagram posts that I made promoting my webcomic for Webtoon Canvas that got retweeted, but they didn’t really boost any subs/likes, nor did I ever get featured anywhere on the site/app...
Forgot to mention that I’ve never been promoted by Tapas anywhere, neither social media nor the site except for once on Inksgiving, though that’s probably bcs I never tag Tapas on social media posts :sweat_smile:

I typically use my social media to promote my Webtoon link, since most webcomic readers already have accounts there. But looking at the poll results, I imagine the experience below holds true for Tapas as well.

I've had Blue Star Rebellion retweeted on Twitter by the Canvas team twice. What this indicated to me, more than anything else, is that they know it exists. It's no guarantee of later promotion, but getting the right eyes on your work is a good first step.

In my case, I did end up in one of the staff picked sections on Webtoon a few weeks after the second retweet. I attribute that to their finding my comic on Twitter.

With Tapas, I don't often tag Tapastry on my social media posts. (You can only squish in so many @'s and #'s before the algorithm thinks you're spamming!) But I'm quite active here, which probably makes me more visible than social media tags would. I've had front page promotion twice on Tapas, one which I think was algorithmic, and one currently active, which I know was a staff pick. :yellow_heart:

I've had very little experience with boosts from Webtoon, but it's not my primary platform. Tapas on the other hand...

I've been on the front page three times. One thing I can say for certain is that how effective being on the front page is heavily impacted by how high up the page the feature is.
Community picks (at the time halfway up the page): about +55 new subs
Staff Pick (top of the page): About +250 new subs
A feature in a category at the very bottom of the page (where they don't even do features any more): Little to no observable gain (probably why they don't feature things down there any more lol).

I've also had some stuff retweeted by Tapastry. It got one or two more twitter likes than my usual posts didn't result in any observable sub or view gain.

Mine hasn't because I don't use twitter lol (and I didn't bother with Tapastry on Instagram). In general I don't bother with these things (atleast not yet)

I had my "comic artist meme" thingy liked and shared by Tapastry on Twitter all the way back in January. I didn't include a link to my series in the post, but the name of the comic was there. The post itself got about 12 likes, got perhaps 1-2 more followers on Twitter, no new Tapas readers. My series was never featured on the homepage.

I barely even use Twitter nowadays and never use mentions in my Instagram posts; sometimes I'll put Tapastry and Webtoon Canvas related tags on IG, but never got any likes and definitely no features from the platforms themselves.

The tags were somewhat useful to find more webcomic artists and stuff to read, but tbh, even searching for the far more generic #webcomic tag on Twitter and IG will let you achieve the same result :neutral_face:

I've had two of my comics on the Tapas front page ("community picks" and "new and noteworthy"), and one of them was mentioned on social media for the 2020 comic summary, as well as used as an example when they released some advertising assets. All taken together I don't think I made more than 60 subs that I could directly associate to those instances (don't know in terms of views), but it was such a cool feeling to see my series promoted like that. I bookmarked, saved the website, and screenshotted the heck out of it :smile:

It would be nice but I have no idea. My stuff is low concept Sci-Fi with an unusual narrative and I'm not a pro artist, so probably nothing else will happen.

Tapas did not even reply to my PM on Insta xD

Webtoon liked my post once, for Pride month.

None of the senpais notice me yet.

From what observed, they feature creators less than Webtoon Canvas and somehow not too active. Probably they're still new and still figuring out what exciting changes they're gonna bring that's not lifted directly from Canvas.

Webtoon retweetet a twitter post from me once, but it was only for the redraw challenge, so not my comic.
Last week I was at the front page on Webtoon under special and go from 800 subs to 3k. That was pretty cool. That you can get so many new subs in just a few days. wow... I needed 2 years for 800 subs and only 3 days for 2,3k subs... hard.

Never got my comic shared or liked by webtoon canvas on twitter/ig but I got my comic promoted twice as recommended series on the front page

I never got once RT from both ,maybe I should make corny jokes to get noticed uwu

Tapastry retweeted me at the start of the month for Pride, but I didn't get into the Pride category featured on the front page. I did get a few more likes on that tweet than usual, and I think I might have gotten a new subscriber from it? Clearly not enough of a boost to remember big results, but it's nice to think that it could mean they've noticed my novel and might consider giving it a feature someday. From the poll results, it looks like about 50% of the people who have gotten their attention on social media have also gotten a feature, so... fingers crossed!

Oh, also..... I FORGOT TO LINK MY NOVEL in the initial post that they shared, and added it as a thread a few hours later, so it might have given me better results if I weren't an idiot.

I've been featured on Tapas twice. Once on the front page as a part of Voices of Color, once as a featured comic during February's BHM promition.
I did see substantial growth both times when I was featured, in terms of likes and subs, though some turned out to dead subs. They also featured my comic in Instagram, so there's that. Nothing from Webtoons though.

Outside of that group project for Black History Month.... nah, I haven't ever been promoted. Not a comic or novel, even when I was uploading weekly.

In my experience of being on the front page for promotional stuff, the front page is a lot more effective than the twitter account (which I haven't been on, but you can see how many likes and views it gets), but also the twitter account is still quite new and growing. It's still kinda small and seems to be mostly creators. It's still a better reach than my own comic account, so I'm not going to not #tapastry because it could gain me a sub or two, which is always nice. But, I would make my goal more about getting on front page than on the twitter page right now (and getting on the front page had nothing to do with my twitter history).

I've never been promoted or got RT's or likes from tapas. I think I got one like from Webtoon but it never went anywhere XD
It's also safe to say that I've had the most inconsistent upload schedule ever the past couple years due to life stuff and I'm on hiatus atm so maybe they just never noticed me idk.