

You Will Fall For Me (BL)

May 16, '21
Last Post
Mar 7, '23
Jul 17, '23
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Why people keep coming back? Several people have told me that they like my humor and the humor is unique/absurd. Those who like it will naturally come back, I guess. Plus, my comic is free to read, so.... Where I get the views? Social media.

As a reader, how does a hiatus impact your engagement, how long does it take for you to loose interest in a project, what is the longest time a project gone on hiatus but you still remained a fan of it? As a reader, I don't mind waiting if I like the stories. But sometimes as time goes on, I would…

It's the opposite for me. My partner told me not to be surprised for not getting any monies from doing this :joy: And it was true :sob:

You should ask them how they got your discord name. Seems like a fair question to me :grimacing: Luckily I've only experienced positive things when I got recognized somewhere else, phew. I have a tiktok account under a different username and there were multiple times where I got comments like "Oh, i know t…

I don't fear of success, instead I want to be more successful :smile: What I fear sometimes is bad reviews of my work :sweat_smile: It's like how some popular published authors would never look at their Goodreads' ratings

My best work so far is my current cover :grin: I like the soft colors and it represents the vibes of my comic better than the old ones! [image]

I only want to do my current title for just another year, because I want to do the next title in a much better quality.

The sun is too bright, sometimes.

My target demographic would be generous adults with monies. But it seems like my stories attract teenagers :cry: Next time I will make my story more complicated, I guess.

When you put it that way, I appreciate these tiny miracles more :flushed: Strangely I got the most subs on Tapas within the first two months of publishing my comic. No idea what happened. These days I mostly get subs on Tapas only when I update on another platform. So readers are like "Let's see if you p…

While we are on the talk about contracts, I think artists should be paid per panel for fairness. In Shonen Jump, according to Bakuman, artists get paid per page as they are in traditional format. And when you look for assistants in coloring or lineart, they get paid per panel too.

I make all kinds of things for extra content • Extra mini episodes • Extra chapters • Illustrations SFW and NSFW • Process videos • A Patreon exclusive NSFW comic. I used to do holiday special episodes too, which I won't do anymore in the future. Recently promoted my Patreon comic on some platfo…

It is a chore when the promotions don't work. But when it works, it feels like magic. And most of the times, it doesn't work lol.

Hello, can I withdraw my position from the villain basket number 16 :sweat: Sorry for the inconvenience :sob:

for number 16, can I also modify the pose, since its not in the way of the others? :hushed:

I would like number 16 for the villain basket please

thank you for organizing the chibi collab :heart: They are looking great already!

Basket 2, Number 13, doublemelon is doooone [image]

ok number 13 is cuuute. Imma claim that one then

I claim basket 2 number 1 pretty pleeeeeease

im ready for basket 2, since basket 1 is full

Yes I'd give up and learn why it attracts zero attention. And then make another one that i think would work better.

Yep, I've been struggling to grow on Tapas. The algorithm just doesn't pick me up yet. And it seems like I bring more readers from Webtoon to Tapas than Tapas giving me new subs xD Because whenever I get promoted on Webtoon and people see some censorship on my panels, they assume I'd reveal more o…

Yes, I drew the longest episode I've ever made and felt doubt about the necessity of the episode. The only way to fix it was by getting a feedback. I don't have an editor or beta readers so I asked online. Thankfully enough, someone who was already reading my comic saw my post and gave feedback. …

I didnt have a goal at first but now I do. To reach 200K views on webchoon

ooh thank you for the explanation. Learned something new today!

How would one go about that? The agents here, they are the publishing company's employees or...?

They said they were dropping my series. How dare them

I think that's gonna change if you have a buffer.