54 / 74
Apr 2021

This is mine, I'd really appreciate it if you give it a read:

Congrats to your milestone! Have you considered uploading it to tapas?
This is my primary story

and this is one that will release on May 1st

hey :slight_smile: congratulations :slight_smile: I really love your style :slight_smile: I leave a sub <3

here is mine:

Sorry, everyone, we were busy with moving The Fox & The Mouse to Tapas. So yes, it's on Tapas as well now! You can check it out here:

I will return to checking out your stories now.

Hello, Juli. First of all, thank you for the congrats. The beginning of your story was a little heavy on the info dump for me, which is why I won't recommend it, but I hope you find other readers who think differently.

@RainbowCat Hello, Cat. I saw the triggering warning and so I can't read your story. I'm sorry, and thank you for the congrats.

Hello, Tulmut! First of all, thank you for the congrats. I read the first episode of Too Far From The Tree and it was interesting but the sudden interruptions caused by the split up pages dampened the mood. Still, I hope you get more subs as well.

Hello, Ramadg! I really like what you have so far and am flattered that you liked our webtoon as well. Thank you for the congrats, and I hope you gain many more subs as well! The Eva and Fran Show is going on the recommendation list.

thank you very much! I can't wait the see your comic grow too!

Congrats! Your comic has an intriguing story and beautiful art. :sparkles::sparkling_heart: I subbed!

Here are my webcomics:

Take care always :blush::sparkles:

Hey everyone here is my comics that i update every friday.

I hope you will like it.

If you're interested in a longer, ongoing story of Desperation and Games where Passion, Personality and Potential are made Manifest in to Power, give my story: SUMMON! The Nameless Relic a read!

Greetings! I am on the road to 100 subs! I do hope Menmar is to your liking:

Hello, here is my comic about vampires, blood, betrayal, and revenge. On both Webtoons and Tapas.

Webtoon works differently so we're not getting paid yet but still, thank you. I hope you reach your milestone as well, whatever it is.

I love the colors you used! Definitely going on the recommendation list. And thank you for the congrats.

I...forgot about this thread. I'm so sorry, I'll continue reading everyone's stories now. I won't be accepting more however. I'd like to keep reading the ones I recommended and I can't do that until I'm done with the list.

I read the previous one since this one was a sequel. It was interesting but short. I hope the sequel gains more readers.

It is on Tapas as well now. The link is in the original post.

As for your story, you have lots of telling instead of showing and the chapter was so short. I don't listen to the music provided when I read so for me, it was a very dry experience. I would suggest getting a proofreader and/or an editor so they can help you make your story shine.