50 / 74
Apr 2021

Congratulations!That's really awesome.
Here's what I promote and hope you get to like both.

Ooh, first off, congratulations~! :blush: Just checked out your webtoon and it is AMAZING~ I love the plot! :slight_smile:

Here are my two novels that are still ongoing! I'd love it if y'all can check it out some time~!:heart:

Congrats <3 I hope you like my mini story :slight_smile:

This is mine, I'd really appreciate it if you give it a read:

Congrats to your milestone! Have you considered uploading it to tapas?
This is my primary story

and this is one that will release on May 1st

hey :slight_smile: congratulations :slight_smile: I really love your style :slight_smile: I leave a sub <3

here is mine:

Sorry, everyone, we were busy with moving The Fox & The Mouse to Tapas. So yes, it's on Tapas as well now! You can check it out here:

I will return to checking out your stories now.

Hello, Juli. First of all, thank you for the congrats. The beginning of your story was a little heavy on the info dump for me, which is why I won't recommend it, but I hope you find other readers who think differently.

@RainbowCat Hello, Cat. I saw the triggering warning and so I can't read your story. I'm sorry, and thank you for the congrats.

Hello, Tulmut! First of all, thank you for the congrats. I read the first episode of Too Far From The Tree and it was interesting but the sudden interruptions caused by the split up pages dampened the mood. Still, I hope you get more subs as well.

Hello, Ramadg! I really like what you have so far and am flattered that you liked our webtoon as well. Thank you for the congrats, and I hope you gain many more subs as well! The Eva and Fran Show is going on the recommendation list.

thank you very much! I can't wait the see your comic grow too!

Congrats! Your comic has an intriguing story and beautiful art. :sparkles::sparkling_heart: I subbed!

Here are my webcomics:

Take care always :blush::sparkles:

Hey everyone here is my comics that i update every friday.

I hope you will like it.

If you're interested in a longer, ongoing story of Desperation and Games where Passion, Personality and Potential are made Manifest in to Power, give my story: SUMMON! The Nameless Relic a read!

Greetings! I am on the road to 100 subs! I do hope Menmar is to your liking:

Hello, here is my comic about vampires, blood, betrayal, and revenge. On both Webtoons and Tapas.

Webtoon works differently so we're not getting paid yet but still, thank you. I hope you reach your milestone as well, whatever it is.

I love the colors you used! Definitely going on the recommendation list. And thank you for the congrats.