3 / 23
Sep 2020

I was literally crying because we finally reached 250 subs. I'll be honest guys when I was making the old version of this comic last year I didn't really believe we can get on such a number. Now we made it in one month and a week I guess. And the moment I unlock the support, people already give me ink.

Thank you guys, thank you all who supported me and helped me get to this point. I hoped my little comic will be loved by people and it makes me cry in happiness knowing it actually happens. Thank you all. Now I guess we will march toward 500, lol.

To celebrate, I think I'll have a little surprise with the next update a new feature, lol. Meanwhile, you can ask me anything about comic, stuff :slight_smile:

Want more stuff? Here's Patreon :smiley:

  • created

    Aug '20
  • last reply

    Sep '20
  • 22


  • 923


  • 14


  • 32


  • 3


YAY! You did it! That's great news! What's the next milestone? xxx

Mine got to 100 and crashed. :joy::+1:

AHHHHHH!! That's so AWESOME! CONGRATS! :smiley:

Congrats! :boom: :sparkles:

I do have an important questing. What does Leo govern in terms of Domain? I know fire is associated with the sign, but knowing the Domain would be interesting.

Blue is my most favorite color and I also like purple. I was also always obsessed with space since I was a kid and it looks really nice. Since Synastry is based on astrology, I think it just make sense to have color scheme that is associated with space and night sky :smiley:

Thank you :smiley:

Well it depends on what exactly do you mean in terms of the domain. Since people are given their signs with being born, you can't really live in closed zodiac culture, lol They all live together, just like in real life.

If you mean, what Leo reigns over as God and sign, I think it will be best to redirect you to the website. I created a zodiac chart in case someone wants to spend some extra time of studying of this world.There are all 12 signs, so you can also check the Leo, I guess that's your sign since you asked, lol XD

Here you go and if you have any more questions, just ask :slight_smile: