8 / 24
Oct 2024

My biggest worry would have to be not finishing my novels. I have the habit of not finishing my projects and yeah present me is committed to finishing The Lost Forest but what about future me and what my life may be like.

There’s also wondering does anyone truly like reading your novel and or comic but I think that most authors go through that.

Oh and the dreaded writers block except the permanent kind.

Elyn is trying to solve the mystery of her brother’s disappearance while also guiding souls to the afterlife.

With "Crystal Blue" it's always that I'm executing my ideas with the right pacing, and clear enough descriptions. I have tons of plot points that I think are really awesome and epic, but I worry I can't execute them in a way that gives them the best maximum impact.

I'm really really worried about pacing. I know historically it's been a problem for me, since I find editing down is one of the harder parts of laying out a story. Especially with one that's been sitting in the back of my head for so long. I've got all these scenes and characters running around, but I know if I give them all the time I want to it'll just bog the story down. I don't want to become one of those comics that "no dude it gets really good when the plot actually starts like a hundred pages in, just trust me"

Drawing out a scene/arc/episode too long that readers will lose interest.

Outside the story, I'm worried that I'll get bored with drawing and be unable to finish it (permanently). And burnouts suck.

I guess ADHD is my greatest worry on both ends of the story...

My biggest worry is that people won't be interested in the story because it isn't romance or about humans.
Also, that people won't read it because the start of the art isn't as good as it is now (I have improved).

My biggest worry is potentially getting canceled because of how censory this generation has become. What used to be OK back then is now censored especially by much bigger places like webtoons and YouTube.

Webtoons censored some of my pages because of swastika drawing even if I'm obviously not promoting nazism. For one, I am obviously a "person of color". Good luck with me joining white supremacy :laughing:

YouTube took down an old incel comic I did for "hate speech" when I'm clearly not promoting hatred of anyone at all. Was intended to be comedic. No sex or violence whatsoever. To my understanding, hate speech is:
"(Group or individual) is / are scum of the earth and deserve to be (insert violent action here)"

I feel like we are entering a new dark age in human history and many will die unless something miraculous happens. Like every dark age before, it's born of self righteousness that metastisized like a cancer from the human ego that Jesus, Buddha, and many others warned about...

My main concern with my story is the pacing; so far, the main feedback I've gotten is that I have too much description, and that the action isn't happening quite fast enough. All the while, I've been worried and thinking that I wasn't being descriptive or immersive enough, and that I was moving too fast! Quite ironic, but that's what feedback and critiques are for.

After the Tapas AF Tourney is over, I hope to take the comments I've received and make a better second/third draft of "The Herald of Death," to make it a better standout among the other isekai adventure stories already out there.

My comics I'm working on now worries me about content as both Webtoons and Tapas have strange ways of allowing content. I have had episodes pulled for showing a woman's bare back, topless but from the back so you see nothing. Note this wasn't is some sexy context, she was getting dress and one was sleeping, The ratings seem to be whatever the person thinks at the time and there is no recourse. They use the stupid AppleStore excuse but there are life drawing apps on the Applestore so they aren't worried about nudity, they don't want porn. It's seems to be opinion of random people.

Another thing I worry about is my art style is not the 3D trace type all over Webtoons and Tapas. It's very Disney/animation style. It's hard to find an audience if they only push one style.

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I worry that I may perish before finishing any of my stories. Unless they're written out, entire worlds die with me, and no one will know what happened to a universe of characters, events, interwoven plots, etc. Mostly, I worry about disappointing readers if I suddenly went off the grid permanently and they'd never get closure. :cry_01: Kind of a downer, but there you have it...

My current story I'm posting here? It's a collection of short stories. I don't exactly give people a whole lot of time to get attached to the characters. Besides my general worries about my writing. IRL I struggle to communicate, so I always wonder if that comes through within my works. And, when I've sent some stuff to people I know, I've been told: I write too "archaic" which makes things difficult to understand.

From writing angle, yep I'm always worried if things are clear for reader (especially as some scenes are in 1st person), sometimes I'd sneak in edits or captions. Thankfully readers haven't complained so guessing its clear enough :thumbsup:
This has been my 1st time making a webcomic, and my page layout ( 'scroll down' pacing) has improved significantly with the newer episodes, I've never got a chance to modify the layouts of the 1st episodes but it does make me feel like I got caught with my pants down "knowing that those 1st episodes would be potential readers' 1st impression of this series" :joy:

Think my biggest worry at the moment is production time while balancing RL duties, guess most here can relate to that,
having too much fun making this series and don't want to stop :muscle:

Also about two months ago, my laptop's Monitor Colors got messed up, there's a green-ish tint, I've been trying to release an episode once a month, but the rate things going I might have to slow down even more. On positive note, my mom gave me her laptop but the disk space isn't big enough for all the 3d files for comic, so lately I been putting small portions together on her laptop (to see the actual colors, set up lighting, tweak stuff) and then combine the scenes (to render out as jpegs) on my Wacky Colored Laptop, its a challenge and the back and forth gets super confusing and slow, but a makeshift solution until i got the funds to buy a new laptop :pray: