18 / 23
Aug 2023

well funny you should ask, she's dead, like double dead, like her soul has been consumed by the death deity, she fell into oblivion, joined the infinite pool of bones in the basement, there's nothing left of her, no more

The question I most want readers to ask is: Will Erik die?

Why can't Ragna die? Why does she turn into an undead rage demon when she does? (I've sprinkled hints throughout but the full backstory is going to be revealed soon.)

If Randy isn't afraid of fire then what is she afraid of?

What exactly are Ragna and Ravening? (It's complicated)

There's alot of questions that can stir outside the main story due to lots of detailed backgrounds to capture culture and interests of the main characters. Some may remain unanswered of they lack importance, some get explained through a mural/sign or news article in bg (eg. A statue, festival) and become a part of conversation if its either important or a red herring.
Always excited to see more theories from viewers :smiley:
(I try to avoid info dump so always think of easily digestable alternatives for readers)

It's still early in the series, as the comic follows the lives of two brothers (Evan and Owen), but there's a little boy who was seen in family photos (above) and often mentioned by name.
No one really asked, maybe they suspected he was a younger Evan in his natural haircolor (blonde). His identity is revealed in the upcoming episode as Evan looks at a family video on his cellphone.
The photo in middle was intentional, to throw off viewers too (Evan having black hair, as he currently has in comic) but the dad later in series recalls that event as a memorable day and mentions Evan dunked his mother's hairdye (hinting she uses black hairdye too).

Oh, neat! I kinda do the same for some of mine. Background details are a great way to hint at things not clearly shown in the story (though they're easy to miss, cause of our scrolling habits). Of course, my backgrounds have lost some consistency (omitting details for a neater style, or just no idea what to put behind characters) but I'd like to put more effort into bgs in later eps.

A question I’d secretly want asked is whether or not death is permanent in my universe of comics?

I want people to question the information they're getting. The whole core of my comic's intrigue is a conspiracy I've bearly scratched the surface of so far in the comic, I want them to speculate about what's really happening, there are some clues coming up in chapter 3 and already some breadcrumbs in chapters 1 and 2.

It will be answered but at the moment the answer is waaaay off in the future.

There are a couple questions everyone asks, like "Why/how did the apocalypse happen?" "Why do they all live outside in tents?" and "What happened to Sequel's Brother?" But there are some questions I thought would come up that haven't.

I've got one character who's covered in scars, has a bandaged arms and a bad leg, but no one has wondered why he's is such bad shape compared to the other survivors. (that's a spoiler so I won't answer it)

Theres this moment, which goes unexplained in text but has a secret hidden in the reference:

Thesis’ mouth twisted as he watched her light the cigarette and take a first drag.
“That habit’s going to kill you, you know that don’t you?” He said daringly. Agony huffed out a short laugh.
“Oh yeah?” She gestured around them at all the fog and debris, “Tough fucking competition!”
“Even still. You’d probably manage to out-live all of us if you quit.” Thesis said. Agony didn’t say anything at first. She looked down at her boots and kicked a piece of something or other. She took out her cigarette and eyes it thoughtfully as she rendered a response..
“Have you ever read ‘The Witches,” you know, by Roald Dahl?” She asked conversationally, almost innocently even. Whatever move she was making, you couldn’t see it in her eyes. Thesis gave her a puzzled look. If she was trying to change the subject this was an odd way to do it.

I won't explain it unless someone asks because the implication is actually pretty dark.

In my case, I get surprised by some of the questions sometimes. Like, "I've never actually thought about that!"
When I gain an insight about their questions, I add details in future chapters to "answer" their question.

A lot of it boils down to "Why is [Character] like this?" or "How will X [Character] react to [situation that doesn't directly involve them yet]?" For the most part, I plan to give answers in-story.

None yet, but in the future when I get to a certain point, I would want my viewers to ask 'what is this character's deal? Why do they say and do these things? Are they genuine, or are they manipulating people's opinion of them to look good?'

I will not answer these questions in the comic >: D But I will be 'answering' the questions in the sense of 'giving all the relevant info' in a future game ... and only if you get the correct endings XD I want to make people feel motivated and compelled to dig for those endings >: D

There's a LOT hidden in the prologue that I don't expect people to pick up on since people usually gloss over prologues, lol. But if the theorist types were to pick it apart at some point, I would be quite giddy.

I had people theorizing who sent Naota into the notebook in the Dodgeball Arc. It was cool to see the morbid stuff my readers brought to the table only for them to find out that the reveal was waaaay more optimistic... but strange af. So great seeing those people trying to piece things together go "WAIT WHAT".

It was like this one big game to me. Basically seeing if anyone could figure out the secret and if I could shock them.

Other questions are usually "How will this turn out" or "What will happen next". It's a double edged sword because like... I can't comment on those. I can't even heart them because I feel like I'm giving the reader a wink like "THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN NEXT".

However, those are usually the most fun questions to answer since it always leads to me giving fun facts or me talking about scrapped ideas. Like "It will not go this direction, but that was actually what we originally intended! Here's how that story would've went down". It's as if I'm giving them an extra episode.

Or conversely, heart all of them even if they're incorrect >: D

Lol I heart all comments because I'm just genuinely happy to have comments, it keeps them off the scent xD replying is harder, especially when they're right on the money and you're just like "ha ha ha wait and see to find ouuuut, I'm not telliiiing, whoooo knowwws what's in store?" while dying of cringe on the inside because you do, they do, but you still do the little uncertainty dance because the reveal is in 2 months.

I thought about doing that, but I legit don't want to make it seem like there COULD be a possibility that that might happen.

My two favorite comments so far were from a user asking if these two characters were dead and I had to be like