5330 / 8845
Jan 2021

aaaaaagh frekin' LOATHE. RRRRG. Love those guys. I'm just in a super heavy downtuned mode right now.
Give these guys a shot, I wanna know what you think. (uh if you got time of course)

think I mentioned this earlier, but the bass guitar in this monster towards the end of the song is just...ugh...nasty. In the best way of course.

These guys are pretty.. Alright lol real talk, the heaviest part for me was the single pitch harmonic they did which is so ironic bc all the low notes disappeared there! Uh, but yeah, should I mention this style of hardcore isn't really my jam?? xD It gets monotonous imo kinda like "oops, it's only breakdowns!"

Yeah that's fair and kinda what I expected to hear XD. Sometimes that's all I want, just a bunch of angry breakdowns in a row.
edit: I think for me the first time I heard this one and Bryan Garrison from Knocked Loose did a guest vocal was what made it so good for me. Out of this current style, I think Knocked Loose are the champs.

I guess it's more specific than just not liking a subgenre though, bc there have been songs I liked that perfectly fit in there, but their production made a vast difference.. Like, I guess if I wanted pure chugging like that, it's gotta be mixed heavily to amplify the dense grittiness of everything. I'd say bands like Code Orange, End, Loathe, and Spiritbox have that top-tier mixing to support songwriting of that aggressive nature~

That said, maybe we can add Jarrod Alonge to that list. Man knows how to put together a good breakdown every once in a while

Eh, well, mixing is at the forefront my mind as an aspiring producer myself lmao you can make any song better with the right mix imo it doesn't matter how simple or complex a song is, balancing sound in just the right way impacts the overall experience. That's why people wanna add Jason back into Metallica's And Justice for All

And totally not bc the band thought it'd be a hilarious prank to mute him on his first album lmao

(Blackened Death Metal)

(Heavy Metal)
Metal warriors, throw those horns UP \m/ ACCEPT IS BACK!

bwaoo bwaoo dow dow de de doww "bring out your deaaad!" This is a nice slow burning song and the chorus bits are great. Really catchy, especially the guitar parts.