5877 / 8846
Mar 2021

Bad Paul McCartney song for a bad Chevy Chase and Dan Ackroyd movie that is so god damn catchy I can't help but love it.

You know that moment where you just have to check out a band based on the album art??

Nice and tinny production here. Great sound for retroThrash.

I guess Pokemon Sword & Shield Music, since i'm playing Pokemon Shield right now.

I've explored a lot of Deathcore since I first discovered The Hearkening, and I can say that they still reign supreme with this EP. So much variety in style, and not a single 'blegh' to be heard. Also a cool little experimentation with both Trap Metal and Nu Metal.
If you fancy yourself a fan of heavy stuff like Deathcore but want some variety, you might wanna check this EP out.