84 / 378
Mar 2021
11 days later

Currently watching season 4 of Snowfall on Hulu. It's currently on FX, but they play the episode on Hulu the next day...the same with Mayans M.C.- another show I'm watching.

Is mayans any good? I watches sons of anarchy a million years ago.

I like Mayans...they'll make references to SOA and have smaller/side characters appear...they brought Alvarez over from his Mayans leader role on SOA.

I usually watch Caso Cerrado hahahaah it's a program about a judge helping to solve problems to some people. (Making her work but with cameras and sometimes it's acted because the people wants to preserve their privacy). It's useful cause most of the time it can be heard without needing to look at the video, so it's really like having the radio. a shame it is sold like a trashTV program because when I watched it it was very interesting from a psychological point of view...
I also watch pokemon, the advanced series (Hoenn) lol
I get distracted but I also work more hours this way

I love watching some food travelling videos, true crime or just some music while drawing.

But there's one video I'd like to share, I can't get enough of this, I love it so much. I know this is a meme, but I just thought it might be worth sharing, as it made my day :heart_03:...

The Snyder Cut... again. (I'm so happy - I've been waiting years for this!) :heart: