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Aug 2023

We all like drawing nice looking faces in our comics, so show them off here!

One of my favourite parts of making a comic is drawing facial expressions. Some are more subtle than others but when they convey how I imagine the character feels in that moment, I am estatic. I do plan to save more exaggerated, dramatic facial expressions for key moments tho :hohoho: If it was over the top all the time, it'd loose its impact and would look ridiculous.

Also 90% of these are Anopheles. He's justa dramatic lil fella (grown ass man with a cult)

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    Aug '23
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    Aug '23
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Here are some from Elsie!

Elsie is just so iconic in her straw hat and dress!

One of my readers literally said ā€œRoy is so cuuuute!ā€ when he first came into this scene. Arguably his most iconic moment.

Ahh yes Anton is Santa Claus.

Elsie is just so pretty in these scenes! :laughing:

Mister McDermott just has the best expressions ever! šŸ„°

The tears :ok_hand:

Just this whole sequence. This is by far my favorite sequence of panels!

Run Elsie! Run!

Mrs. Evans being the 1800s Karen she is

Royā€™s blushes are justā€¦ mwah chef kiss!


And finally hereā€™s Jane. I think she takes the cake.

Maor... I just love his quirky faces.

Amin: A few of his cute fluffy faces.

Sanariya: I don't have much constant favorites for her-- either the beak a bit too big, or messed up her pseudo hair. This one is my favourite so far.

Other characters: (I enjoy exaggerated expressions~)

I've yet to have my favorite faces of the village guard duo. I wanted to!

Here are some of my personal highlights.

There are more since I like drawing faces, but here are a few.

Most of them are Apollo since he's the most expressive character, and his dumb face is just fun to draw.

My characters are shapeshifters so their faces have animal forms and human forms.

First off, the main character, Daecon. There were a few flashback chapters, and I absolutely love baby Daecon:

And seven-year-old Daecon after being beaten up by a gang of bullies:

This is the only close up pic of Adult Daecon's face that I've ever drawn that I liked:

Next we have Owen. Owen is the first Shapeshifter Daecon meets, and the one who explains that Daecon himself is a shapeshifter. He's also a DILF.

His animal form is a Kodiak Bear, and I love the expression his face in this one (even though he's kind of looking away):

I also like this one:

He ain't always smiling, though...

Owen's husband Leander is the next character to appear in the story. I'm not particularly pleased with any of his human face pics, but I like the way his face came out in horned owl form:

And this one of his face as a black Jaguar came out well (details might be hard to see because he's so dark):

But my favourite character, and thus my favourite face, is Evander, son of Owen and Leander. He is a sexy AF cinnamon roll:

He rarely has any confidence, except when he's fishing in his Osprey form. Then he knows he's the shit:

And doesn't he just look so shy and cute as a cheetah?:

Since my comic is Thriller/Mystery/Comedy, I feel like I'm only ever drawing very intensely sincere or terrified faces... or totally goofy faces reacting like somebody just told a terrible joke, LOL. My comic is called Legacy Of A Fighter for anybody curious about the context of these panels! :^)

Perhaps itā€™s just the way these images were displayed on my phone but it makes it look like that girl on the bottom has some mighty strange hairā€¦

I love doing expressions as well! Here's some of my favorites I've done for my comic.

Evan's mischievous face is always a fave (bonus wet hair)

Scaring his brother to death for the Q&A ep

Hasn't shown up yet in comic but in costume he's more exaggerated and silly
As his regular self I enjoy his cute grump look

Some of my favourite faces from my other (completed) series, Wild Nights, Hot and Crazy Days:

First, we have me (blond hair) staring at the ceiling while my best friend Aiden (red hair) cuddles with me, back in 1984 when I was 13 years old. This is an earlier drawing and so it isn't as refined as my later ones, but I love the way Aiden's face looks here. He looks so content. Sadly, that contentment would not last 24 hours, as a heartbreaking tragedy happened the day after this scene:

Next up, we have me at the age of 15. My brother (black hair) convinced me to steal my mother's car and drive him to the stripper bar so he could watch his girlfriend on the stage. Yes, he was dating a stripper. Not only that, but the stripper he was dating was Miss Nude World 1987 (at least according to the posters). And he was eighteen years old, meaning that neither of us was old enough to actually be in the bar, but because he knew the bouncer we got in. And also, because he was screwing the stripper, we got a seat front and center. I was forced to look directly into it. If I wasn't gay before this event, I sure was afterward. You can see my disgust in this image, and you can see my brother's excitement.

This one is my sister, circa 1988 (she would have been fifteen then). Sporting a proper head of 1980's hair she is showing the indignation that only a 15 year old girl can. I won't spoil what she's mad about, but it is hilarious.

This one is my ex. I had literally caught him screwing another guy, and this was the moment that I had caught him. The whole picture is too naughty to show here, but this facial expression is 100% spot-on:

This one is me, about a year after I broke up with my ex. My long blond hair is gone, and I was now sporting short brown hair. I was still deeply closeted and had only just started making gay friends, mostly online. I had finally let some of these friends talk me into going to a gay bar. Naturally, I was terrified and wanted to keep a low profile. Also naturally, my friends had made arrangements with the DJ to shine a spotlight on me and introduce me to the whole bloody bar. I had four simultaneous heart attacks.

Finally, we have Mel. Mel was the real life comic relief among my friends. He was definitely there for a good time and did not care what others may have thought of him (the first words he ever said to me were "Slam f*** me please!"). I only wish that I could have the free spirit that he had.