3 / 23
Nov 2019

Ok I am totally throwing a granade and running away with this topic, but....
What do you guys think about the movie elf...

Personally I hate it... I can't stand cringy humor...

  • LOVE it!!!!
  • I run in the opposite direction when I hear it playing...
  • Never Seen it
  • Not the best, but not the worst


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    Nov '19
  • last reply

    Nov '19
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My mom loves that movie too lol. One Christmas my granddad and I hid the DVD of Elf. We almost made it the whole holiday without having to watch it.

Side Note

My mom loves elf so much that she usually makes us watch the stupid thing like 3 or 4 times around Christmas time. If I try to leave and go upstairs she says I am a recluse and need to hang out with the family. If I try and leave the house, she uses the family time card again…
Oh and she knows that my sister, my granddad, and I don’t like Elf…

It came on regular TV!!! I was not about to watch elf with all the commercial breaks too! So I went and got the DVD from where my granddad hid it…

I grew up with Elf so I love it. But then again I only watch it maybe once every other year? I've not yet hit the Max Elf Point.

I own it on DVD, but I havent watched it in YEARS...I might catch it here & there on cable TV, but it's usually when I'm flipping through channels and trying to watch something else.

Whatever. See it once or twice.
It is a good movie if you want something new and learn some US culture

You forgot to put the option: I’m in love, I’m in love and I don’t care who know it! XD

I liked Elf, but then we watched it every year after Thanksgiving dinner as a tradition and it got old. Then I had a really long break from it - and just watched it with my cousin and wife last week, and decided that I really like it. I just can’t watch it year after year, though. If there is a Christmas movie I hate, it’s the Hallmark ones. But I can see why one wouldn’t like Elf.

I normally can't stand Christmas movies. But Elf is cute, funny, and original enough that I can tolerate it. It's one of the very few Christmas movies that doesn't bore me to tears.

I don't do Christmas movies/stories either. When I was a kid I had a pastor who would gather all the kids around every Christmas and read us Barrington Bunny. I always cried. I still can't read that damn thing without crying. I think the point he was trying to make was "Christmas is about giving," but I came away with "bunnies get lonely and die." So basically that's the emotional undercurrent of cutesy Christmas stories to me now... bunnies get lonely and die.

Don't traumatize your kids, folks.

I still watch the little stop motion shows like Rudolph & a Charlie Brown Christmas, but notta super big Christmas live action movie watcher...Elf is pretty much the 2nd movie next to A Christmas Story.

I love Elf. I watch it every year. XD That movie made me love Will Ferrell. Plus it's a good movie. I didn't like the singing at the end, though. :confused:

I am not a fan of Elf. But I'm not a big Will Ferrell fan, and the whole movie just makes me vaguely uncomfortable due to secondhand embarrassment lol I don't like most movies he's in...but that said, I do think he's a fabulous voice actor because I really like Megamind!

I saw it once and that was all I really needed.

Now, Jingle All the Way? That's traditional :joy:

Early 2000s, post-9/11 US culture was a dark time my friend, the twilight years of 'shitty family movies that shouldn't go into theaters but somehow manage it anyway.'

My mom made zombies a thanksgiving thing for some bizarre reason (nothing stimulates your appetite like Shaun of the Dead and 28 Weeks Later, right?), so more holiday-themed movies get reserved until the middle of December. My dad's a Will Ferrel fan so we watched Elf when it came out but it's pretty much just a passing thought like most sappy family movies. I didn't know it was very popular, sounds like a cult type thing >o<

I've seen elf maybe a few times but it's not a personal favorite. There were definitely punchlines I missed as when I was younger that I'd probably get now but in terms of being a cute silly movie to watch when nothing else is on then I'd say it's alright.

Back with my dad the go to holiday movie was A Christmas Story and for a long time as a kid I was almost haunted by the whole "you'll shoot your eye out" thing.

Nowadays it's more likely for me and the fam to watch Almost Christmas, A Madea Christmas and maybe The Polar Express if were feeling it (along with a cup of hot chocolate). Jingle All The way sometimes makes the roster but only if were willing to put up with the VHS player.

As for those "holiday classics" on tv like A Charlie Brown Christmas, Rudolph and Frosty I'm usually the one to get excited for them rather than the rest of the house (especially the ones featuring the ol Peanuts gang)


YEEESSS! Jingle All the Way! Mine and my brothers love the part where he punches the small elf, and the ripped Santa just looks on and says, “Little buddy?!”

Hahaha!!! Yess!
And Arnold my man... :joy: That movie is iconic. It's got trash acting in the best type of way.