44 / 49
Feb 11

Ok, votations are closed, congratulations to all, winners or losers, you did a good job.
There was one forfeit, so, there's an empty slot for the theme "Draw Two girls fighting a karate match" if anyone is interested taking it.

Round 2 line-up is complete, congratulations to AppleBun, lizardlullabye, PapaDom and Skyy.

For the ones that didn't make it, you should be proud of your works, keep up with the passion.

The challenge for round 2 will be announced next Friday.

Here's Skyy's entry which didnt have an opponent due to the forfeit of the other person:

OK, second round topic is:

"A comic story with beginning, a middle and an end that fits into a single page (all genres allowed)".

Congrats to all of you and I´m looking forward to the creations of the next round.
@applebun you did a good job on following the script, the horse really bites into
a try while chasing a squirrel

Yo, since it's weekend, you can work on your submissions or improve them during the next week, no need to rush things.

Aahhhh sorry I don’t think I can :sob: having a bad case of art block and barely even made progress on my main comic, much less so other stuff :sob: looks like I’ll just have to let @lizardlullabye win this round…

Ok, thanks for the intel. Votation starts tomorrow, for a single match.

Open images in a new window for a bigger preview, votation ends in 48h

"A comic story with beginning, a middle and an end that fits into a single page (all genres allowed)"

  • Papadom
  • Skyy


Congrats to PapaDom for making it to the final, to Skyy and the others better luck next time, keep it up with the good work and passion.
This was lizardlulabye entry that got into the final due to applebun's forgeit:

Next friday there will be announced the the theme for the final.

Theme for the final:
"Double spread page/landscape: The queen of the forest sitting on her throne, surrounded by the forest and wild beasts bowing to her"

Final votation to decide the winner, closes in 48h.
Right click the images to get a bigger version.

Theme: "Double spread page/landscape: The queen of the forest sitting on her throne, surrounded by the forest and wild beasts bowing to her"

  • PapaDom
  • lizardlullabye


Good job you 2 and thanks to @miuthecat for making the idea of the tournament
and for the work you put into it. I feel like the forum is slowly falling asleep but
this was a nice change

Absolute tie after 48h, votation needs to keep going I guess :slight_smile:

Votation closed, lizardlullabye is the winner with 56% against 44% (2 votes difference out of 16 votes total)! PapaDom entry was also great, but only one could win, keep up with the passion.
I ask the winner to pm me the respective Paypal for collecting the prize.

Aight, GG everyone. Hope we can do this or something similar again.

Thank you @miuthecat for living the place up a bit. Seeing this after the constant promo orgies going on and on here, does warm my heart with little hope that we can have the fun back.

Excellently done! Definitely brought some life back into this forums as papadom said. I would love to do another one of these minus the rewards cause that can be pricey.

Edit: I would love to do one where I dont lose my stylus :))