9 / 90
Dec 2018

I recently started Fallout 4 and am enjoying it quite a bit.

Big on pokemon pvp, splatoon, jrpgs, and... Smash ouo (eventually)

As for now, COD Black Ops 1 (yes, I'm aware they are on the 4th) is the game I play the most.

STALKER: Shadow Of Chernobyl. Installed a new mod and will play in it for 20th-like time :slight_smile:

I always come back to Heroes of Might and Magic III. xD

Currently playing: Spyro Reignited Trilogy

Always come back to: MotorStorm and Donkey Kong Country series

Trying to get away from: Overwatch

Would recommend: Malice

I've been re-playing Breath of the Wild and just unlocked the 'You-got-all-the-shrines!" Costume.


I have two unfinished commissions and comics I have't started yet.

Oh man. I started way back with MHFU. Hands down one of my favourite games ever. So many hours put in!

@mappypaint It's amazing how many hours MH takes! Each hunt can be 30 minutes or so... So, when you're grinding drops it adds up fast!

i never really got into video games bc they were a lot of time, material, and money that i didnt have, although i do enjoy the few i have played. so my favourite games are undertale and minecraft lmao

I use to play lots of games specially rhythm and jrpg games. But Now I'm so busy lol.

The hunts are faster when we were hunting together with friends. Much faster than random people on the net. But when that so called "desire sensor" kicks in, we could grind the whole day and not get the part we need. Once in mh3u we hunted with friends because one of them needed a certain item (I think it was the cloudy moonshard from lucent). After hunting the whole afternoon, the 3 of us got at least one and yet the one that needed it the most didn't get any. It's the grinding that will add up the hours and yet you'll never really feel that you've been playing for hours already.

The Sims 4 :'D
and also rpgmaker games, those are always fun.

Whenever I can carve out a few hours, I'm playing Red Dead Redemption 2.

Have barely touched the main story, been just hunting and exploring so far.

Monster hunter gen (it’s pretty funny cause my 3ds slide has broken and I can’t move in all directions when the bois come at me) and Skyrim

Just finished Spiderman on PS4 and am heads deep into Persona 5 now. I also finally got the Bioshock Trilogy, so that's on the plate for later.

Usually I am years late to playing games. I used to play with my old Dreamcast for yeeeeears before getting an Xbox360, while the next console generation was already in stores... It feels weird to play games that came out recently now xD

Games I can always go back to include the Jet Set Radio series, Sonic Adventure as well as Grandia 2, because nostalgia is strong and these games are still great :stuck_out_tongue: