30 / 90
Dec 2018

I've played Frostpunk recently too. Great game, challenging. My playthrough was actually like yours too with all this harsh things and the last words were the same.
But the last question from the game wasn't surprising for me, because i'm strongly believing that the goal always justifies the means. And if there is a goal, especially so important as saving the humanity for example, there can't be unacceptable things to achieve it. Just my opinion

Currently Just Cause 4 (which I think isn't as fun as the previous.IMO.) but as long as I can still blow things up that's fine with me.

Haven't played either of those, but those games sound really cool! Especially The Witcher. I like some good narrative games, but I'm a big fan of some of those crazy, fun multiplayer games a lot. hehehe!

Gotta Catch 'em all~!

I love Splatoon too, but I need a Switch so I can blast you and Spicy XD

Oh and Smash owo Smash is a good time. A hard-ass good time

Have fun! I wanna get that new Spyro some time!

And I always come back to Donkey Kong too! haha!

Never played Overwatch, but I wanna try it. I'm more of a Team Fortress 2 kind of guy, and its that one game I can install mods in for years and it'll still play like normal :laughing:

Ooh, sounds like a good option. What's Malice all about?

There's a lot of fun games out there that don't necessarily suck your time or money away, but are good for short bursts or however much time you got. Super Mario's a good example of that.

But hey, good choices! Never played Undertale yet (I know), but I have played Minecraft. lol