10 / 34
Aug 2020

I like drawing my characters most. Especially faces.

As far as what I hate drawing?

....Perspective. Especially for boring things like clinical corporate rooms or buildings or whatever.

Love drawing action scenes/fight scenes....

Hate drawing cityscapes. Too many buildings, perspective, and detail...exhausting as heck.

Organic things, anything that encourages free-flow drawing without needing a ruler.

Non-organic structures, things that needs precision.(city buildings, vehicles, robots etc.) Overbearing details.

I love drawing my characters especially during a funny or emotional moment, cuz thats where i get to to nuts with the expressions. Plus they're my babies, of course I love drawing them :slight_smile:

I don't hate doing the backgrounds but its definately something i struggle with sometimes which is why i try to keep them simple. Doesn't stop me from making them. I also sometimes struggle with getting the colors to look decent especially when making a new pallet.

I hate having to draw background characters/ NPCs. I feel like they're tedious and make a page take longer to finish. Unfortunately they're extremely necessary if I don't want an empty environment.

I like drawing high stakes scenes or moments where characters are outside their element. Sometimes I get burned out when having to draw the same characters over and over again(such as in a conversation), but its more fun when there's some type of action or revelation moment because the characters can go through a range of emotions which breaks up the monotony. Although these scenes are harder to draw.

I enjoy drawing different characters. Gotta make sure they don't look similar to one another. The only thing I dislike about making comics in my art style is that it's labor-intensive. :disappointed_relieved:

I don't wanna say it's something that I'm good at, but I think I've improved a lot when it comes to drawing hairstyles. I do need more improvement in adding wrinkles/folds on clothing.

I love drawing eyes, they're really fun for me, but I hate drawing mouths. I struggle so much with their shape and getting expressions right with them

Okay so. I don't draw a comic but I illustrate my novel.

I LOVE drawing the characters, their expressions, and little details.
I dislike.... Drawing backgrounds. But I'm trying to improve so there's no way around it.
I recently finished this drawing for my Novel and drawing those desks was painful af.

I love sketching out the characters and inking them. :blush: I can do that pretty quickly, but colouring, shading and backgrounds... ugh that takes me forever! :sweat:

Hands. Hands can go jump in the lake as far as I am concerned

Love: Expressions! Whenever I'm bored I just start drawing my characters making funny faces, and I'll take way too much time trying to craft the perfect face for the moment in the story.

Hate: I have to join the chorus of "backgrounds"; I hate them with a blood-curdling passion and will use every trick in the book to cheat on them. 3D models, photobashing, reusing them, whatever keeps me from having to deal with perspective rulers and all that all the time.

The next chapter of my series takes place in a city and I want to cry just thinking about how long the backgrounds are going to take.

Backgrounds are the hardest for me to draw. I'm not the best at perspective, so I'll need to work on that.

I love drawing my characters interacting with each other. :doggo: Anthro characters are fun to draw.

Love: faces, expressions, watercolor landscapes, especially forests and trees.
Hate: complicated perspectives, digital coloring. I just... can never seem to be able to achieve the style I want with digital coloring, especially with cartoony drawings. And my perspectives seem to look fine as long as they stay in the sketching phase... as soon as I move to the lineart phase, they reveal themselves for what they truly are: utter and absolute crap :'D

What I love to draw, paid commission.
What I hate to draw, paid with exposure.
Oh wait, this is not a vent. :joy:

What I love to draw: Objects.
What I hate to draw: Background.

Hate to draw: movement... I just can’t make it right.
Love to draw: exotic background, because it makes me travel so I engage a lot in the drawing. Love drawing abstract shape and texture too.

I absolutely love to draw characters ! But HATE to draw backgrounds...

I love drawing expressions and faces in general. Crazy expressions are a challenge, but also so much fun to do. I also love drawing fluffy hair (coloring it is a different story, tho). Most of my characters end up with their hair being floof. :sweat_smile:

I dislike drawing urban backgrounds, like cities, rooms and all that man made stuff. With landscape I can improvise and pretend that green blob is a bush, but with cities it looks just silly. XD Also feet. No. Just no.

I love drawing fights, hate drawing buildings

I find trouble with vehicles, but that's because I don't draw them often. Everything else is fine.