150 / 175
Nov 2016

It's a solid argument, and it's definitely one worth having. I still think the electoral college is fairer than a nationwide popular vote. Remember, each district is a first past the post popular vote. A system with numbered preferences is better and encourages more parties to part.

Right now though no one's rights have been threatened by congress as of yet, it hasn't happened. And a good majority of people did vote for trump which is surprising in of itself. The election happened, and I think these people want them to change the election. Like that's a viable option. Right now protesting isn't gonna solve anything because there's no real basis behind it. It's just people upset and trying to change what already happened.

Actually Hillary got the majority. :c It is unlikely the election results will change, but it is theoretically possible with enough faithless electors. I think people are mostly protesting to show they do not support the campaign platform he ran on.

I said a good majority, it wasn't like trump got 10%. They have no real goal or direction though, you can't even name what their goal is yourself. There's nothing they're really protesting on much like that stupid wall street protest years ago that went no where. They're just doing it because they're angry. That's really what it is. And as a new yorker they're basically holding back traffic and blocking off important places so it's making me a little more pissed.

Perhaps, but clearly many of the people who are rioting, setting fires, destroying property, beating up people they suspect of having voted for Trump, ironically, but sadly not surprisingly, holding up a sign calling for the rape of the next first lady, are doing so because they were always violent, dogmatic ideologues. We know this because they were doing the same thing during the election. Their preferred candidate lost and now they're throwing a monumental hissy fit in the vein hope of overturning a democratic election. Never going to happen. And how childish to proclaim he's not going to be their president. For 8 years millions of americans have supported President Obama's authority despite being diametrically opposed to his politics. This is how a republic works, don't like it, move to North Korea. I feel sorry for all the reasonable Hillary voters who are taking this loss gracefully, licking their wounds, looking to the future, whose reputations are being dragged through the mud by these violent insurrectionists. I strongly suspect that the longer this unrest goes on, the more support the new republican run branches of government will garner.

What?! Is there any credible source of that type of protest? Where are you getting that information? I've seen a lot of footage of the protests and I definitely haven't seen any fires or violence. Sounds a little fishy. :<

There's plenty of video all over he net going back months off all kinds of mob violence going on. the last couple of days have been nuts. I didn't realise that was in dispute. I mean, it's video evidence, uploaded to youtube and twitter by people who are there. You haven't seen the dumpster, flag and effigy burning? There's a particularly disgusting video of a gang of people pulling a Trump voter from a car and beating the crap out of him. I know this incident isn't necessarily linked to protesters or violent rioters, but it does prove without a shadow of a doubt that these kinds of people are out there and they mean business.

Flag/effigy burning is purely symbolic, it's not violent. Here is an overhead shot of one of the biggest protests against him, and also a link to a video of a protest, you can see they're marching peacefully, not hurting anyone or destroying anything. When I finally found the video you were talking about, it was through the Daily Mail, which is a notoriously dishonest tabloid. Though I hope that regardless of the reason that man was attacked that he recovered and his assailants were brought to justice.

Well, I'd never deny that there are peaceful protests going on. Of course I encourage that. The right to assemble in peaceful protest is a cornerstone of civilised society. But you also can't deny that there is violent rioting happening in response in direct response to the election. It's not difficult to find video of them doing everything I described. Why go to news outlets? Just go straight to the source. The Portland police themselves have tweeted that the protests in their city have descended into rioting. The evidence is undeniable at this point.

To be honest, here in Canada, we are seeing violent protests all over our news... and if you just type it into google and go to news it tends to just pop up. If its true or not who knows, the news is easily skewed. I mean look at the lies they told throughout this electoral campaign this year alone...
These are just some of the ones that popped up when I typed in protests in America into google news. (AGAIN, it is not all credible and I wasn't there so I don't know. I'm just saying these news stories are easy to find online..)
'News' Story 12
'News' Story 2
'News' Story 3
Note these probably aren't the best examples. But they are just examples... There is also alot of footage on Youtube. Again, who knows how credible it is... but still. Not hard to find.

how can Trump win when Hillary had more votes?
Trump had more electoral votes while Clinton had the popular vote (She had more votes).

Hillary did not have the popular vote. Donald did. the news here said he was head and on line polls always showed Donald ahead and at election Donald has around a 8% lead.

And why can you only choose out of two people to become president in the first place?
Actually it starts with quite a few people before it goes down to the most popular candidates who win their party's nomination.
There's also other candidates 3rd party/Independent.

The Democratic(Jefferson) and Republican(Lincoln) both parties are very old "money groups" that are used to fund the presidential race. no independent/3rd party candidate has the money to run against them. So there is only two.

Why can you only be president for 8 years?
That's if you get re elected like Obama. Your really only facing 4 years in power..

The first president was president for about 40 years. they made it 4 years up to two times to make sure no one bad like President Obama stays too long.

And why can only people with TONS of money become president?
That's actually a really important question I've been wondering?

You have to have TONS of money to run as President to do this most people like Hillary get thier money from Large Banks in return for favors after being President. Donald has his own money and was able to run by him self.

I have no idea how much a president really CAN do, but I think it takes more than one man to end the world.
Law wise I think it has to pass through congress and since republicans who likely support Trump took control of both the House and Senate his laws are most likely going to pass..

Nuke wise. Trump can, he will be met by opposition but ultimately it's his decision.. scary isn't it?

No one liked Hillary she was a criminal. one of the worst ever seen going back to Nixon and getting kicked off of Watergate long before the crap she pulled here.

Something called Wikileaks revealed the protesters are payed by the DNC and somthing called move on.org. buses move people from state to state all over to protest and they are paid around 18 hr.

The whole thing is fake.

George Washington was only president for 8 years (two terms by modern day standards), and any other 'president' prior to the formation of the United States was only president for 1-2 years tops. Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the only president to run 16 (give/take) consecutive years in office, probably longer if he didn't die in office in his 4th term.

Anyone who ran before that were just following tradition based off George Washington's time in office and congress didn't pass an amendment (22nd) preventing someone running for president more than twice until after FDR to prevent the establishment of a dictatorship / after realizing that running more than two terms is too much power to give to one person.

There was also employment on Craigslist for this... I am aware.
But that doesn't make it fake. The smashing of windows and destroying things isn't fake. That window is still smashed, people are getting beat up...ect...
It just makes the protesters who are trying to be peaceful look like trash as these people who were hired to cause mayhem run amok. Whether its angry people or people who were hired, things are still getting destroyed for no good reason.

Well...there is not 100% certainty that that was real. The sign looked suspicious and some believed it was photoshopped. Like why does the text look copy and pasted, why is the sign facing away, why is it the only sign clearly visible in the photos, why do people who were also there claim to have not seen the sign, why does it not appear in videos?

What are you talking about Washington was president until his death. he started the whole thing after his death is when others started. also there was no President of the States before Washington.

What about your post that Hillary didn't get the popular vote? Isn't that misinformation? Or am I missing something?

To be fair, the same thing can be said about what Trump has said and how the media looked at him...
Sadly the media is so skewed to the whims of whoever is running it... But that's almost to be expected at this point hahaha
Either way, all I'm saying when it comes to the buss thing is, whether paid or not, people are not just protesting but getting violent and its not right.
Plus whether things are fake or not, its hard to tell... Unless you saw it with your own eyes and can confirm everything on your own your always taking someone else word for it.
Media almost seems like gossip now, no real digging and reporting just 'he said' 'she said' 'did you hear about so and so?'