15 / 35
Nov 2022

I want secret santa (but I don't really want to organize anything like last year)

8 days later

This year, at Christmas, I finally want to see my family since they are far away from me. Due to the fact that I went to college in the states, I had to move away from my parents and friends who are now in Canada. I really love them and want to bring them the gifts I prepared. To do this, I have already earned money on slot77 casino (thanks to them for making my dream come true), and all that remains is to buy a plane ticket. I hope everything turns out as I planned!

I want to hang out with my family and cook for them.
Then meet my friends.
Kiss someone and drink some Glühwein.

17 days later

Ideally a new laptop for writing, but I know that’s not gonna happen so a new frying pan I guess :sweat_smile:


In all seriousness though (Not opposed to getting 1mil if a kind, rich soul wants to donate. wink wink), that's a good question. We've stopped celebrating Yuletide years ago due to money issues, and being too tired or busy with work to clean up after setting all the crap up. Also I just grew up, and it's always felt more like a thing you do for children. Honestly, I don't want anything because I can't afford to give back in return, and I'll just feel guilty until my brain decides to stop making me think about it.

Cool stuff though! I've started watching The Twilight Zone from the beginning a while back, and it's way different from what I imagined. In an interesting, good way, of course.

I don't really need anything, I just want to rest :joy: I'm going to take a week off work, finally get some sleep and eat some delicious food. And meet my family and spend some time with them just talking, playing games or watching movies, without having my inner voice telling me that I should be drawing :smiley:

Money, a better job, more time to post my stuff here. :expressionless: But above all, health, and I need a long rest. :sleeping:

A filing cabinet and a small bookcase. Too many books and papers cluttering my desk

Definitely a social life. Since I quit college, I have lost a lot of friends, including the ones who aren't from my uni. (ノД`)
But I also wish for a better income because I need money!!! (μ_μ)

I've pretty much got what I wanted for Christmas- which was a new laptop, a monitor arm mount, and a docking station. I'm still trying to get it all together, trying to get things to sync(via the docking station) where I can view the same visuals on all three...getting the monitor mount is enough to put me off from wanting a newer/bigger desk, as now that the elevated monitor frees up a bit of space.

This. I need a bookcase/bookshelf. Planning on getting the 6 or 9 cube shelf from IKEA, plus a smaller wire shelf...I need to reclaim my desk area. Gonna try to snag these late January/early February.

Same. I usually take a week off around Christmas to "recharge" my batteries(though the last few years it hasnt been working). I am gonna try to draw because I 've barely drawn anything this year...

I don't really celebrate Christmas. I think I would just like some proper free time.

I want $1,000,000 so I can live the FIRE (financially independent retired early) dream

i wanted to get a computer chair so I could actually sit in my desk without dying but my landlord decided she'd give us the cool present of raising our rent 20% so maybe another time.

100% yea I grew up broke too and its super hard for me to get in the Christmas spirit
Me and my sister had an agreement years ago that we wouldn't get each other Christmas presents, and all I expect from my family is maybe a card or a phonecall
Cause hey it's not about the presents anyway.