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Jan 2024

Every person has a unique smell never smelling like any other and that includes fictional people!

Type what you think your characters smell like.

  • created

    Jan '24
  • last reply

    Feb '24
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I’ve been told by my friend that Elsie might smell like bread or even banana bread because she has to make food.

I think Elsie would smell something like metal or essence of soot.

Rosemary would smell very nice like- haha you thought I was going to say roses! No. She smells like lavender. :relieved:

Roy, as a rich man with a lot of money, he would have some sort of cologne smell. Probably of honeysuckle. Roy would also have a mix of his natural pheromones with tobacco smoke scent.

I mean when the air smells like horse manure all the time, this is probably the best way to smell nice. Otherwise you’d blend in with the smelliness.

Now for Ernest. I think he’d smell like sea salt and something similar to motor oil. Maybe like the garage smell perhaps.

Jane smells like ashes. No question.

And Mrs. Evans well she has the smell of hate. 🤣

Never thought about it but one thing is for sure: Ravening smells like a mix of perfume and marijuana.

Alicia: Probably smells a bit like cocoa butter, cinnamon, and clove
Kattar: Smells like his cologne, so a little bit like flowers, and the other cologne scents, and also the alcohol used to make cologne, though he doesn't generally drink much.
Mrs. Moon: Smells like lavender
Shannon: cologne, but with dominance in sandalwood

That's a good question, gotta say not one I've ever thought off. Considering the part of the story Trespasser is in now (start of Chapter 03), where they've been on the road for longer than anticipated and only having natural bodies of water to clean themselves, I fear both Kyara and Zack would have an aweful sweaty smell :confounded:

Akala smells like... whatever scent attracts you the most. Part of her illusion ability to get you into submission...

Mr. Blueberry is the only character of mine where I have thought of this...

Cigarettes, Irish Spring, and Nicorette

I actually wrote this for one of the characters in my story!

Still, that Eli could even think to sleep in such a situation astounded him. Fia had wrapped his arm around the man’s waist to keep him upright as they traveled, but at some point during the night, he had nestled his head in the crook of Fia’s neck, blowing warm, even breaths against his skin. He smelled of the forest, Fia realized. Fresh earth, cedar and pine, the newness of spring growth, and beneath that, the faint but characteristic cinder of the shadows.

At some point, I suspect I will get writing out Fia's scent as well :sweat_smile:

This makes me chuckle so here it goes....

  • Astra tends to smell like perfume or lavender since she uses lavender based lotion on her skin.
  • Psychoborg smells like metal since he's a cyborg.
  • Prince Fau smells like aftershave.
  • Prince Ira smells like very strong and expensive perfume.
  • Carla either smells like sugar or lemon scented cleaning products depending on what her last task was.
  • Gemma smells like perfume.
  • Oya smells like spices since her hair oil has some in them.
  • Tomara doesn't smell like anything really.
  • Emperor Malai literally smells like money and gold.
  • Empress Rebecca smells like roses.
  • Castor smells like cinnamon.
  • Highwulver smells like shampoo since he uses it like body wash (he has hair all over his body).
  • King Overlord smells like incense.
  • Pen smells like mint.
  • Hagela smells like a cross between smoke and chai tea.
  • According to Astra, Luno smelled like jasmine as he used use jasmine scented beard wax.

Uh, depends on if they're cooked or not...

Joking aside, I imagine my chickens would smell like dirt, cause that's what they literally bathe in. Except Friar, who would smell cleaner than dirt, whatever that is...

Alec would smell like cologne, to mask old man smell.
Luke would smell musty, cause he's been wearing the same clothes every episode and doesn't do laundry frequently XD
Carl, eh, sweaty Old Spice.
Aldi, lavender, cause she loves purple, including its scent.
Dr. Horace honestly might smell a little off, given his love for foreign cuisines and handling of birds. Cover that with too much cologne, cause he's doing his best.

Winston I think would smell like vegetable oil and soap because he cooks a lot.

Eric smells like seawater and pungent body odor. With his life on the line every minute, he probably doesn’t have the time or caring to take a shower.

Jack would probably smell like modge podge, cheap plastic and cardboard because he works with toys a lot and makes them.

Pujita has an Indian spice smell obviously like curry powder and masala. Jack finds it super attractive.

Jake smells like a kid from the early 2010s. 🤣

Wellington has an overwhelming smell of different kinds of tea, mostly the stench of earl grey tea. And like your character @2DLenzy it hides his old man smell.

His wife Ella (who is canon but hasn’t made an official appearance in the comic) smells like dirt and hay. She’s a farm girl watcha gonna do?

Randy Nice smells like eggs. He likes eggs. A whole lot!

And finally, Mister Fine smells like scotch whiskey or something. He sometimes sneaks it in his coffee on the job.

All the human characters smell like garbage, but the main character lacks scent glands.

For a good number of the story, it's a mix of sweat and deodorant, sometimes no deodorant, sometimes rain-soaked wet dog type mixed in.

Rip smells like deep fried turkey legs on the bone.

I smell like coffee and the ocean

I have been waiting for such a thread to arise. August canonically smells like lemon dish soap. This is something I had already decided and have a genuine reason for, but I will not be disclosing this reason yet.

He can, that's just his general musk at the end of the day before he does XD. He goes from farm to farm. I'd like to think that he loves birds so much that he just kinda forgets to bathe?