480 / 1663
Sep 2020

@CodeMonkeyArts - hell yeah! long range explosive superiority! :grin:

@orangepeels - nice! id like to see your farm if its possible? like a screenshot or something :grin:

@WhoDrew - great choice dude! whose your favorite racer?

@mlocik97 - cool! do you have a macro/micro strategy when attacking? like lets say for zerg, lings then hydra then muta?

Sure! I'll remember to take a screenshot when we play again this weekend. :blush:

I've been tinkering around with Portal Knights for a bit because my daughter likes it more than Minecraft (I actually agree with her). Once I get gaming time to myself I'm either working on GTAV (I waited seven years to finally get around to this game. my gamer cred is in the negatives) since I'm only at about 81% completion; or over on PC I've been playing Noita, which is another of those pixel art Rogue-likes except in this game every pixel is simulated. Physics and everything. It's quite fun.

Oh I've finished Portal Knights, my kid just likes to have a max-level player helping her out. :grin:

And I've finished the main story in GTA so I'm just trying to go through and wrap up all the extra stuff. I skipped a lot of side activities like hanging out with people, playing sports, buying businesses. I'm currently having Michael join the Epsilon Program since I've got cash to spare for their ridiculous "donations."

heh, I've gotten to level 25 in Horizon Zero Dawn over the weekend. I think on the whole I prefer Assassin Creed for game's mechanics and the world, but I am still having fun. Also, I've checked, and I am pretty much with the majority of the romance options that I would have wanted to Aloy. Nil, Erend and Avad.

@MrTwennysebben - damn! i never got the patience to 100% a game lols 🤣 kudos to you and your daughter :+1:

@WhoDrew - nice! are you going for the secrets/ collectibles?

@domisotto - LV 25 sweet! ACs game mechanics is crazy, makes you feel like a ninja :grin:

Me and my boyfriend are playing though the sly cooper series. we just beat sly cooper 1 last night, switching off every level. I have never played the games before, but I really enjoy it. Now we are gonna 100% it. all that is left it speed runs :slight_smile:

cool! which one of you had the highest score? oh wow completion and a speed run! thats hard core dude! :+1:

well, we are 85% complete with game 1. we have to play through 2 and 3 still. and speed run trials. its a feature you can do in the game after beating a level. IDK if we are gonna do a speed run of the whole game. XD

oh! i thought you were gonna do those crazy game speed runs like finish the game under 30 mins or something :laughing: