still splatting and i've decided that challenges with time limits, targets or both are my least fave
it's taken so many hours and so much anxiety to get past some of em and i literally made the fool of myself aiming for the wrong target in one part and dying constantly when all i had to do was turn around and look where i was going
ngl tho some of the challenges have been really really fun so i'm focusing on those instead also madly in love with the boss fights and even more so the music (i wanna put it in my mouth) like i'm always a sucker for a good soundtrack but it really helps with building athmosphere in the hubs and then actual level music itself just mmm good (except the bing bing track it's like such a bad earworm and the fact that there's a few notes that sounds like amogus is have to immediately jump to other areas so it doesn't get stuck plus they have no end so it's got that stuck in your head till it's finished thing but no finish)
also just peeped sky and THEY FINALLY HAVE A TS FROM SEASON OF THE LITTLE PRINCE!!! I've been waiting for this to happen for forever!! It's the beckoning ruler so i just got the level 3 emote and his crown hair but ahhhh! I'm so happy that lil prince spirits are def in the official rotation now XD honestly dunno if the chance to get the fox plush will ever come back around but i have some hope at least