105 / 105
Mar 2022

Chapter one of this thing deals with alcoholism and child abuse but the one thing that I really thought twice was the name I gave to the witch, la Taoueille.

When I was a child, I always heard "taoueille" as a pet name, one of those many acadian words that either came from old french, deformed english or mi'kmaq, or a blend of all three for all we know.

When I found an article on wikipedia in french explaining la Taoueille as a benevolet witch who throws hexes, but never to someone who does not diserve it, I just had to put her into my story!

Trouble is, la Taoueille can be used as a slur against first nation women. In his 1970's song, Le Monde qu'on Connait, Gerald Leblanc translated it into "Sauvagesse" criiiinge!

I decided to go ahead with the story but later I decided to mention it and show the story to a first nations' Facebook group, saying that I was willing to change "Taoueille" into the more plain "sorcière/witch". I got a few likes on the story and nobody objected, so I kept it that way.

I am an avid researcher because one of my novels is historical fiction. Pillow cases were invented in 1921. The weirdest thing I had to research though was for my contemporary romance A Galactic Star. I am incapable of flirting on a good day, thus, flirting over text would be near impossible. So, when I went to write a scene where the MC flirts via text with the romantic lead, I had to look up how :sweat_02:
It worked out in the end :smug_01:

The weirdest...hmmm...I'd have to say 'pictures of decomposed bodies and the stages" and "cocain's effect on a non-user's mind". Both for the same story. Both done at noon, when my mother would come in my room frequently. I was quite the brave one, otherwise she;d lock me up in a mental hospital.

But jokes aside, I keep on searching weird stuff all the time for my stories and my characters and i've forgotten what should be considered weird and what not. I mean, there was a time i was writing a novel back in high school and i needed to know desperately whether excessive amounts of pain can wake a person from comatose state. That back then seemed weird to me but now im like...pfft, please. I've seen things out there waaay worse.

^_^" Im sane, i swear :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, I think you're sane too.... 🤭🤣🤣🤣

PS. I say it sarcastically.

Well, since my novels deal a lot with criminal gangs, I've had to do a lot of research into organised crime groups and how they operate, methods of drug smuggling, hitmen, human trafficking, you know, all that stuff. So yeah, definitely things that would get my FBI agent worked up :grin:. And since I have more books planned, I guess it's only going to get worse :joy:.

Feel free to check out my novels and subscribe if you're interested:

the subject of my research was not weird but what i was using it for...

i had to look into the human body, muscles, skeletal system

so i can have an accurate way of dismembering parts when the hacking and slashing
scenes on my comic comes :grin:


Thanks for making this thread and honestly my saving grace for mine was the fact that my story is set in the period of the 1600s. But what I researched was medieval torture methods, witch hunts, prison conditions and literally how long can a human body last in poor, extreme circumstances (like symptoms of hypothermia or minimum water and food, etc).

So.. anyway. Here's mine. It's a collection of spoken word and quotes, collected over 4 years. The genres are fantasy, slice of life and a little bit of non-fiction- Interested? Here's the description below!

In this technologically advanced generation where we are continuously connected yet constantly isolated, the feeling of invisibility can be quite deafening as a result. Even so, when night falls, people from all walks of life gather at this particular place. A blissfully tranquil land where any memories can be found amongst countless levitating, multicoloured bubbles. Nevertheless, there was once a girl with an enchanted quill who stood in the fragile veil between these contrasting worlds... Determined to record and make known the symphonies of the countless travellers who have traversed the land. Who knows? Your symphony may be lying in wait amongst her collection...

If you like what you read, feel free to like or comment- Updates are on every first Wednesday of each month! Btw, if you want updates, be sure to subscribe!

Alright, I've searched:

  • Racial slurs and punishments: yeah yeah I know, how original
  • Modern slavery: sad fact over 40 million slaves still exist today
  • Modern chemical warfare: gas
  • Modern biological warfare: RONA
  • Poison effects on anatomy: gross
  • Psychopaths: expected
  • Psychology of submissive people: like BDSM shit and I'm gonna say, it's nasty
  • Dog and other animals fight: best to stick it in stories
  • Corruption of government: kinda living in it with ScoMo
  • Illegal GMOs: both animals and humans

It was all interesting, some of them were uncomfortable but still were interesting.

Mine is about magic and elements, but there are other things like weapons in the story. In the beginning when I was naming things, to make the names more "fantasy" feel to it, I looked up a bunch of latin meaning words. And also due to the weapons I also looked up guns and other weapons to kill. There were times where I had to look up some medical names on stuff, due to my story having some human experimentations.

Juvia Elias, a girl who knew she was different from the rest. She's been alone most of her life, but when a mysterious woman comes and attack her, her life changes completely.

I was looking into what size body bags need to be, how much blood the human body can bleed before they die, torture methods etc. I also looked into the effects of eating pure capsaicin (apparently people get hospitalised from the tiniest bit if it's not at all diluted) which was quite interesting. I'm also going to need to look at references for gore later on :slight_smile:

Ah gotta love being a horror writer

i feel out of place here since i'm not even writing a horror story currently and yet my research has been so bleak xD barely anything dark actually happens on screen and yet the research i did for various background details or to get context for various things?? so depressing lol.

most recent one was researching certain types of childbirth complications, so google ended up showing me lots of photos of injured babies ;_;

. . . anyways, uh, pls read my comic!! https://tapas.io/series/Real-Lies/info

I had to research fruits that contain electrolytes and dilution for "Laissez Science Faire".

I also had to research different types of fungi for "Fungus Humongous".

I’m not sure if anyone said this yet, but Looking up how to draw a man‘s groin while wearing a variety of pants was at least a little weird. Thank the someone out there who had made a drawing tutorial. I had built it up in my head that I wasn’t drawing men right because I made them look like Ken dolls so I tried to do some research as tastefully as possible ^^’


I guess let me know if I did a good job XD (tho FYI I didn’t look up the tutorials until a couple chapters in)