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Feb 2024

For me, it was changing direction from a super hero cast to a cast of believable human beings. I found the idea of constant god-like fighting interesting as a kid, but as an adult I find more believable characters who struggle against the paranormal to be a more interesting plotline <.<

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Coming to the realization that I don‘t need too many characters that don‘t contribute to the plot, just because they looked cool.
Many OCs were lost, concepts were scrapped, but the best ideas that I filtered out were repurposed into the things that do matter in return.

Also, having more than one protagonist, with each becoming respective side characters to each other‘s stories was also a change I was glad I made. It makes the whole project a whole lot more interesting :slight_smile:

The love interest.

Original draft a love interest opposite one of the main girls is introduced later, they break up, and to deal with said breakup she ends up rebounding and stupidly hooking up with one of the other main girls which, of course, is a mistake. There is A LOT of melodrama.

I didn't like it because the love interest character felt like just that, "the love interest character". I don't like characters who exist solely to be a love interest, and he felt like that.

So I swapped them. The two main girls are now the love interest, as they both have their own arcs, motivations, back stories, etc. And the former love interest that is introduced later is now the dumb post-breakup hookup. Best choice ever because now ontop of the relationship melodrama there is ALSO the history between the two as well.

BIGGEST CHANGE: Deciding to make a story that get me excited to tell rather than trying to make it exciting for others.

I decided to rewrite the whole thing, and I’m so happy I did :cry_02: I changed a lot of things as I stared rewriting and honestly it flows a lot better. Biggest change I guess was deciding to give the side characters a bigger role :3

That has got to be the decision to have Zack tag along in the adventure during Chapter 02.

Not only did that choice improve Chapter 02, but the entire story. It was such a dramatic shift in my original plan, that I ended up rewriting most of the overarching plot and shifted to a more personal-character driven story.

Now it did end up making the flow from Chapter 01 to Chapter 02 feel a bit slow, and there's this awkward sense that the story just doesn't wanna start. Because I kinda had to manouvre my way out of certain setups and weave a different thread, while keeping in line with was already established.

The result will be a far stronger and cohesive story in Chapters 3, 4 and 5.

EDIT to add: That the changes I made, and the rewrite I did, were in service of themes and plotpoints I was already working with. But it expressed them in a better and more dramitic way. I just decided to take a different road to get there.

In "Damsel in the Red Dress" Adding Mrs. Moon. She wasn't originally supposed to be in the story basically at all, but she stemmed so much of the plot it would almost entirely not exist without her.

What's a fairytale without the queen?

:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: i've never read or watched Aladdin, but fairytales should have evil queens or wicked step-mums

Rules are made to be broken :triumph:

Also, do yourself the favor and watch Aladdin!

Changing up the scenery, when I was checking over my written drafts and working out what panels need doing I realised it was a lot of back and forth between two locations, so decided to rewrite a scene so it's a bit less of that going on. The catch when your two characters that work in separate shops and that's when they mainly see each other, you end up with too many scenes based in said shops. Got a few more outdoor interactions now.

Completely trashing the original story I had for my characters. Originally it was a more dramatic story and I wrote it in high school so it was....bad lol. I also got rid of the original main character entirely.

I switched over to a slice of life and am much happier with it now.

For Frostpeak West, the biggest change that I thought was for the best was making Bertie the adopted son of Mr. Blueberry.

Originally, Mr. Blueberry had a young son named Jet, which appears in the protype series Brother Butterfly1. Jet was removed. There was also early concepts where Mr. Blueberry is the one who fosters Claus.

Surprisingly the one change I made for my story is having the story take place in another world, initially my main character, Nina, was supposed to be kept in her home and having a ghost friend was the thing that motivated her to run away from home and travel the world. But I soon realized she's a ten year old kid roaming in the modern day world, the two doesn't mix well so instead I have it take place in another world where kids could travel the world without adult supervision. I am happy about that change, it gave me the creative freedom I needed.

My original script had Baul as a normal demon (succubi), but I thought the build-up to the climax of the story would be so much better if she was different. So redid her character as extremely powerful (beyond what most people would comprehend) to make that a nonissue of the story. Her being as strong as she is does not drive the story, the relationship of Baul and Gavin drives the story. And added some new dynamics to her and her twin.

Honestly the best change I've made in The Adventures of Zovhara Ashfrost is making Zov'ha run away into the wilderness after the Nightflame Festival.

Originally she was supposed to stay and join her friends in the natural hot spring pool. She was supposed to be humiliated by certain members of Aeroz, and she would have been taken back for questioning.

But it turned out that Marana betrayed her and she ran away, after which the village was invaded by raiders.

I like this change because it opened up a whole new story line for Zov'ha with new characters, places and discoveries.

There's a character I presented in Chapter 5 which was supposed to be the antagonist of the next set of chapters. But the way a conceptualized the character and his philosophy didn't make sense for the conflict.
So I decided to make a completely different character to fulfil the role (This decision was made while I was in the middle of making Chapter 5 itself!!).

To keep it short, now there's a new ally for the main cast. And Chapters 6 to 8 ended up setting a lot of important plot points thanks to the new character I made.