I did...but honestly The Boys and Invincible really set the bar for deconstructing superheroes. My plan was that the story would start in like the silver age of superheroes and revisit them after the kids became adults in the 90s.
These drawings are old as hell, so sorry if they're kinda janky.
FYI Rictus grows up to tour with Insane Clown Posse
I really love provoking content and I always find it sad when artists have to restrict themselves.
In Germany we call it Kunstfreiheit, freedom of art. It has borders too, when it gets to insulting,
collides with other fundamental rights, violates human dignity, threatening physical integrity, or infringing on personal rights.
But beside that I think people try to restrict art too much
Yeah, my whole point of the story was not to be pro or anti Christianity. It was sort of more a story about censorship (ironically).
Like it was more of a “what if all this crazy stuff happened yet none of it was written down because it would make God and Eve look bad.” But with a scifi twist. Everyone had new names, like Cain was called Canis (thus why he dressed like a dog).
And I guess I would want to make it so over the top that no one would take it seriously.
Oh interesting my current comic is meant to be weird to the point where the reader is like "what is this" the story is a meme in itself haha. However the end is also quite a drastic change from the beginning like in your last comic. However, I feel like changes in tone can work if appropriately used. Mind you I planned my comic to start as a really bizarre romcom where there is this weird mystery involved and once we get the answer things get serious... It's a good way to invoke emotion in the readers ig...
Thanks, everyone.
Reading your weird yet beautiful ideas helped me refine my weird idea so that I think I can make it work. You remember what it was in the opening post? If not, go back and reread it before seeing the updated version.
The title is "Round Two! I Do!" and the premise is about a beloved celebrity couple that whose popularity skyrocketed after they married and officially became the world's most loved power couple. The pair consists of a heavyweight bodybuilder and wrestler and a supermodel who also doubles as an actress.
But once the honeymoon phase was over, the couple began to fight a LOT sometimes in public places and one time became a huge scandal which permanently tarnished their careers. That event was the last straw and the divorced which broke the world's heart especially because the supermodel wife just gave birth. Well, fast forward to two years later, and neither of are what they once despite their talents being unwavering. It turns out that after they became an item, 70% of their popularity came from them just being together romantically, so when they left each other a large majority of their fans left them. In a desperate attempt to get back in the spotlight, they agree to a very out there idea: reconcile, or rather, pretend they have reconciled and make it very convincing that they have. This is a lot harder than it looks because only the wife is good at acting while the (ex-) husband wears his heart on his sleeve. There's a lot of hilarity in their interactions while pretending to be lovey dovey again because underneath it is still a lot of resentment, aggression and spite. And I mean a LOT. Also their son is a toddler and and he is both curious and energetic which also adds to the tension. In other words, the kind of kid who sees being told "no" as a challenge to do the opposite, "come here" as run away, and such. There is also a lot of satire behind the rich lifestyle and exaggerated luxuries. Yet... at the same time, it does get them finally talking and while they both understand that this is just a sham marriage, they find it hard to cross certain lines you're not supposed to do in a marriage. They begin to question what was really missing in their marriage and maybe, it wasn't love after all, but if that's the case, does it make a difference?
What do you think of this premise? Weird yet it works?
I have an idea in my mind.
A human teen falls in love with living toy who is a recinarnated soul of dead person from the past. Sounds very weird since I'm weird. Not sure if anyone would read it and anyone here will call me insane and how does it sound?
My weird ideas include love story between a human and sentinent plant and a crime story about the cat mafia based on Christopher Walken.
Wasn't intended to be a comic, so idk if it counts, but a pretty weird story idea I had was about a guy discovering time travel and time-travelling to the past, except he doesn't move anywhere through space, while the earth has moved a lot since then so he effectively gets teleported to the middle of nowhere in space and dies from lack of oxygen.
The rest of the story is slice-of-afterlife shenanigans where he hangs out with dead cavemen, aliens etc, and watch historical figures die and join them over the next few millennia
I probably won't go through with this idea any further; the itch has been satisfied after writing this one-shot Anyone who wants to use this idea (or the characters I made for it) is VERY welcome to do so XD
Well I had the idea to make a comic about this guy with black goo super powers, no conscience, and crazy hair. The whole idea was that he’s super powerful and people want him to help defeat supervillains n stuff, but he just doesn’t care until it starts to affect him. The comic would have started with some kind of evil creature thing getting hurled through his apartment wall in the “classic dramatic super fight” style, and he (Victor) just doesn’t care, or is only slightly annoyed. He probably has good insurance.
The craziest part about this is that I somehow took this idea and changed it into “August” my current comic.
To be more clear I really didn’t keep anything from the original idea, but that’s where it started.
The weirdest idea for a story that I feel like I've ever come up with would either be my comic/manga Pokémon fan story, or my comic story called Athanasia. Both of them are actually started and have enough story to get in depth feels for the characters.
The Pokémon story follows a kid named Grey Takeshi. He lives on a small island that's very heavily, but secretly full of crime, housing the largest organization of criminals called The Underworld. Grey starts his journey following his dad's dream of his son using a cherish ball, a particularly weak ball used primarily on Pokémon that won't fight being captured, to catch his first Pokémon.
After a week of failure to find a Pokémon to catch, he nearly gives up. However, he has a chance encounter with a very rare, very special, and very dangerous Pokémon, the unique colored Regigigas. Grey returns to the professor to get his Pokédex and start his adventure. The professor suggests he stays home for the night, but Grey becomes over excited, and heads out late at night.
The professor shows up at Grey's house, captures his mother, kills her Pokémon, Joltik, then proceeds to torture her to find out where Grey took the Regigigas. With no hope of getting info, he kills Grey's mother, then burns the village to the ground out of rage.
The other story follows Kyle Stone. A young man stuck with the power to live forever. I don't mean like, until the world is destroyed. I mean FOREVER! The end of the world. The end of every world. The end of the stars. The end of the universe. After everything disappears, it leads to millions of years of nothing. An empty void that contains nothing...except Kyle.
Eventually, another big bang occurs, starting the creation of a whole new universe. However, it develops and grows to be exactly the same as the previous universe, showing that all things move on a fixed track, with Kyle as the only X-factor to change it, which he does!
Sometimes, he'll be the great hero of the people! Other times, he's the walking death! Sometimes, he doesn't interact at all. Other times, he makes himself an untouchable force that everyone fears! Through experiments, he'll change certain factors to see how humanity will change! Things ranging from something as small as causing all ladybugs to go extinct, all the way up to seeing how humans would live if ladybugs were sentient, god-like beings!
Nothing is off the table for Kyle Stone, and the only thing that can stop him is his own depression. Not only does everyone around him die during his eternal lifetime, but despite knowing he could easily transfer the power to someone else, he knows they'd also eventually get to the point he's at, and feel the same exact way, and doesn't want anyone to suffer as he is.
The original idea for my current comic was a secret Isekai, because I can't stand Isekai.
So everything would be the exact same. The focus is on the three girls, their arcs and growth/relationships with one another... but halfway through they'd meet a new character.
A guy who is transported to this world whos a videogamer or some stupid shit. He would have the most self indulgent god complex internal monologues because Isekai is the worst. He'd just assume that A) the girls are big dum dums because they have no knowledge of the "real world" so he could manipulate them to get what he wants because Isekai is the worst. and B) would also assume they all want him because Isekai is the worst.
They'd beat him up, steal his shit, leave him on the roadside to die, and that's the last we'd see or hear of generic protag-kun. He'd look like the guy from SAO because THEY ALL DO ISEKAI IS THE WORST!
I decided against it. I thought it would take away from the story.
Maybe a future story...