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Aug 2015

Not counting movie knockoffs, what is the worst piece of cinematic garbage you've witnessed.
For me, I think the worst movie is The Last Airbender by M. Night Shyamalamadindong. Never has a movie made me more angry or confused. I mean, WHY???!!!!?!?!?!?!

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There are 265 replies with an estimated read time of 29 minutes.

This pile of garbage. At least Dhoom 3 was funny in it's badness. This was just...awful.

I was a huge fan of Airbud at 10. I...I may have contributed to the creation of this by loving that awful movie so much. I shall hide my face in shame now.

I have a pretty high tolerance for crappy B horror films, but the only movie that truly ticked me off was an obscure film called Creature From the Haunted Sea. It's supposed to be a horror-comedy, but it's neither funny nor scary. The monster ranks up there with Robot Monster and The Giant Claw in terrible designs. It's public domain, so you could probably find it online somewhere, if you're masochistic.

First off, I probably can't remember the WORST movie I've ever seen, and even terrible movies can sometimes have a charm because of how bad they are. Though there a couple of movies that somehow brought out this unsual rage in me, not because they are of the absolute lowest quality or because the actors are all really bad, but just because they struck all the wrong chords with me.

These movies (that I remember) are Odd Thomas and....I'll probably get slammed for this one....Cabin in the Woods.

With Odd Thomas, I'll just sum up why I hate it in one sentence: "There is only so much quirky I can handle."

With Cabin in the Woods, I saw it in theaters because I kept hearing good things about it from people and thought perhaps it was one of those movies that was badly advertised but was actually very good. However, instead of the funny homage to horror movies that I was hoping for, it was a HUGE mess of a movie that was not funny at all. No seriously, I laughed at NOTHING in this movie and just wanted to walk out. A few clever nods and ideas that connected it to past horror films were not enough to save this film for me, and I just will never understand the high ratings it got.

Um...sorry if I sounded kinda snippy there. ^^; Maybe it just proves I'm not as much of a horror geek as I once thought.

Hahah oh yeah. Those 'Airbuddies" with the puppies? THey're in basketball, then hockey, then ALASKAN DOG SLEDDING WITH PUPPIES IN FREEZING TEMPERATURES~! Now they're spy dogs or something probably! xD

It's defintely The Last Airbender. As a huge Avatar fan, it was very difficult watching that movie from start to finish. I'm still wondering to this day how I was able to stop myself from running out of the theater...(-_-)

I cant think of any bad movies that i disliked :v i can tell you pleanty of movies that are bad but i still enjoyed!
Like Super Mario Brothers Movie >w>;;

For me it would probably be Skeleton Key. There are definitely worse movies out there, but I was pretty disappointed to see it in theaters.

Coincidentally if you want a ridiculous comparison of two completely different movie sequels. Mean Girls 2 was vastly superior to the Human centipede two. (One night me and friend of mine watched one right after another for science.)

@Kamikaze I looked this up to see if I have seen it. (It's easy for met to lose track of all the terrible "giant monster" movies I've seen. Gotta say I'm tempted to check it out.

Dragonball evolution .... They ruined my fav series!

@Vikiro_Hop If you like giant monster movies, go for it. It might be up your alley. Watch it as a comedy and you'll have a MUCH better time. It's just...so stupid it seriously offended me when I first saw it.

....it's bad I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not. XD I assume it was supposed to be funny in a dark/we're so clever way, at least in part.

Either way, I didn't find it scary or...anything else, either. XP