1 / 42
Sep 2015

I've only just started making my comic 6but, the story has been brewing for a good while now. So seeing ideas brought to fruition is nice. Coloring the comic is also lots of fun, more fun than I thought it would be. So what are some of your favorites?

  • created

    Sep '15
  • last reply

    Sep '15
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When it's done XD Honestly I enjoy the whole process. Even if I'm not enjoying something in the moment or having a problem with something the adversity is appreciated when it's done.

I haven't made a comic yet but my favourite part of drawing is eyes. I especially like eyes that have more than one colour in them, like brown with a speck of green or blue fading into purple.

I'm in a collab where an artist is drawing my story. For me, after writing a story and attempting to format the script for a storyboard for the first time, nothing is more exciting than watching the artist bring your story to life. I get the same feeling every page.

Honestly? Getting the page done and out there.

Ooh this is a fun question to answer.
My absolute favorite parts have been sketching out all the pages of the comic before the linework actually starts~ It's fast, loose and makes it easy for me to see the whole story at a glance!

Alternates between sketching and inking. Never coloring. One of the reasons I really buckled down and started working on the comic was that I wanted to get more practice coloring - and my color schemes have improved! Buuut my desire to color has not. I'd much rather spend my time on the linework.

The best feeling is finishing a comic page but it's sweeter when you're done with an entire chapter. :3

Uploading it and being done with the damn thing.

Yes, yes, it's fun!
The hardest part would be the start but the rest just flows seamlessly. <3 I'm always excited about having it printed, though, since it's like I'm in the Oscars and I'm waiting for my trophy. <3

The most fun is the sketching/storyboard. The most satisfying is finally finishing the page so I can play some games for a couple of days before I jump into the next page.

It's hard to choose, really, as I enjoy pretty much all of the steps (except for spell-checking - spell-checking is a BORE), but I think what I enjoy most is the planning and the sketching. Planning is nice because I get to try out possibilities, tinker with things, make stuff up, etc., - and sketching, because that's when the story turns from a potential thing in my head, to a real thing existing in the real world.

It's just neat to see it turn up on the page, is all.

i part i enjoy the most is the sketching/ penciling!! then inking!! i also like paneling the page!!
it pretty much goes like this

sketching> inking> paneling> storyboard> script> editing... i hate editing ----____----

I can understand that, though I've really started to warm up to the process of coloring. I need to improve my final linework quality.

Favorite part of making my comic? Getting to finally draw the scenes I've been picturing in my head for months!

I'm so far ahead in the script, I know I won't get to some parts for ... years ... anguished but I'm slowly getting there one page at a time!

Also drawing scenes where the characters get to show lots of emotion is fun!

i vote for writing too
i love to create more than drawing.

The entire process of making my comic is my favourite. Seeing the progression of the plot and the joy and excitement of not knowing what's going to happen next page. The main reason it took me a long while to attempt a comic is because I know how demanding it can be like drawing same thing from 5-6 different angles, putting more than 2 person in a panel and at the same time trying to make it look like what it's supposed to be. Now, I enjoy venturing into those unknown territory. It's exhilarating.