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Oct 2024

I think my favorite part is where the teens met Misty the witch!

I have chapter 2 coming and I certainly have a few favorite parts in that chapter, I’m excited to start on it

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    Oct '24
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    Oct '24
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I think for me it would have to be Chapter 3 cause I just love the concept of a dragon being a boss and his office being a room full of gold, but it’s so profesional lol :dragon:

That's hard, there are a few of them, but maybe the moment where Kattar officially asks Alicia to become his.

In Crystal Blue, it's probably Mora's attack of phantosmia and hallucination

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I think my favourite part so far is when the two MCs manage to find a middle ground despite their situation, where they are being enemies and even showing each other genuine kindness. People forget that sometimes, people are just enemies due to circumstance, but things had been different, they could have been friends and maybe, still can be.

Given mine is a collection of short stories, I'll just give my favorite "chapter"/story:
Rotten, chapter 1, is probably my favorite in terms of how I wrote it. Viscerally and disgusting. But concept wise, Self Rejection, chapter 4, is my favorite. It's just about a guy with a crush on his coworker but hates himself too much to act on it. But something about it is just so sad and cute.

My main comics is over (new one in the works) but I find where you really see what Baul is and is capable of was fun to draw/write. You get glimpse of it throughout the story but when you actually see her, her true self... that was fun.

Maybe it’s recency bias but the new arc I’m working out has to be my favorite so far. Our main character will get a chance to retrieve her weapon ( elysium as it’s called in the novel.) learning more about Azalhana( it’s like limbo).

I love every cheesy romcom moment where Stace and Leander banter, but Leander talking about being banned from 17 open mic nights always makes me laugh