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Oct 2024

Epic the musical. James Arthur. Some Amie Chan. Mostly just my favorite songs but separated by the tone of the chapter.

Sound! Euphonium soundtracks! I have all of them. Seriously, it's the greatest tv show in existence.

i plug this thing once every blue moon when the topic of music comes up but one of my main playlists has been this one

otherwise its a pretty broad mix of different video game osts, original music from folks across the web and the rare popular internetor like tiktok song if it suits the vibe of the story im workin on

I mainly listen to my chillhop and lofi playlists. The instrumentals are nice and calming so it’s easier for me to focus . Sometimes I listen to Celtic music as well

Novo Amor, FKA Twigs, Yseult, and a bunch of OSTs like Plague Tale Requiem or Oppenheimer. And also Robyn. Tons of Robyn.

Mine in most cases game music or movie/show soundtracks.

I have a playlist for my Historical Romance Fantasy:

But also this playlist by Mullebooks for Perle helps with it as well:

And with some of my action, intense drama, modern seriesL

And for my spade odessy series in the work:

My Winamp playlist (I'm old lol) has: Gealic Ballads, Indigenous, Rock, Metal, Goth. Industrial, Dubstep, 80s Soft and Regular Rock and 70s Disco.

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Lots and lots of classical music.

Fits the vibe of Elsie. But also I just really like classical music in general

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My playlist extremely mixed Brent,nle,summer walker,21,Kyle richh,jenn carter,tata, Travis Scott,kodak. List goes on really

I can only listen to instrumental music (without vocals) while drawing or writing.
So I listen to a lot of Ennio Morricone (western soundtracks), 1960s surf music,
movie soundtracks, Chet Atkins fingerpicking guitar instrumentals.

I´m a musician and very reciptive to vocals, it´s like someone is talking to me,
it distracts me and after 20 seconds I will stop drawing and pick up the upright
bass and play along or pick up the guitar and write a song or start singing

Side story about Ennio Morricone. I worked for him once when I was younger
(I was a roadie) and had to set up his backstage room. I read his rider and he wanted a bed in
his backstage room. So my job was to get him a bed. I always thought that was one
of the more unusual wishes. I still kept the backstage pass and I have it haning in my kitchen

Epic soundtrack sound epic :muscle:

For me the type of music I listen to got to fit the mood of scene I'm doing for comic, or art piece being made
For my current comic (an action-horror series) it ranges from those 1 hour haunting ambiences of abandoned hospitals and cities on YT
to shoegaze/dreampop and post-punk mixes n' bands like SlowDive, The Black Angels, Queens Of The Stone Age. Those keep me in that creepy, grungy industrial setting lol

Oh and video game soundtrack when I'm drawing action scenes- Devil may cry, Tekken 3, Street Fighter, Final Fantasy, Shadow Of Colossus bgms n so on

for another project with an ancient east indian fantasy flair, i end up listening to ragas and mystical sounding stuffs on YT

What I'm in the mood to listen to and helps me get in the zone to create...sometimes anime openings & endings, sometimes 80s music, sometimes EDM, sometimes an variety of stuff from the early 2000s