8 / 8
Oct 2018

Hellooooo! So I was thinking about doing the next writer’s camp and I really want to start getting my brain juices flowing:3
But of course I’m not entirely sure where to start. Just so many options! So I need you guys to help narrow me down.

I was wanting to write a BL story because I think it would keep my attention long enough to finish it​:wink: So that is the one thing I have set.

Now, should I write a drama or a comedy?

I prefer writing light-hearted things however I think I like those kind of stories more for comics(I do those too btw:3) though I guess I could turn a comic idea into a novel.
It would be hard for me to get an idea for a drama however I do like a challenge(even though I’m already trying to right a novel in a month 0_0) and it will probably be more suitable for a novel.
If I do do a light-hearted comedy it will have dramatic elements in it:3

Should I focus on a two-person love story or harem-style?

I kinda don’t have a preference either way for this one^^
What I mean by harem-style is that the protagonist doesn’t develop a committed relationship with any of the characters, but is kinda thrown into a mix of colorful characters that mess with him. Not like a love triangle or anything(I don’t like love triangles) I think this idea would work better for a comedy.
The other option is just a regular love story about two interesting people developing a relationship.

Setting: modern, historical, or abstract?

I hate stories that take place in modernity but it may be an interesting challenge.
I like historical settings.
By abstract I don’t mean wizards and dragons(to me that’s just historical with magic). I mean something kinda like Alice in Wonderland. Or like a love story between celestial bodies or philosophical concepts. Something like that.

I want you to tell me: what kind of story you would like to read?

I would greatly appreciate if you gave me your thoughts on what you would like to see or if you have any other writing advice or ideas! ;D thanks in advance

This is my first “real” writing experience btw:3

  • created

    Oct '18
  • last reply

    Oct '18
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I can't tell you what to write :sweat_smile: but I can tell you my thoughts.
If you're looking to write a straight BL story then maybe the harem you're describing might not work
so it depends on whether you want a pure BL story or just having some BL elements in it.
A drama can have comedy in it that's totally fine.
A comedy with drama would probably still be classified as a drama, if that made sense....(depends on how much "drama" you're looking to add)
I will say comedy stories are typically difficult to write @faeriesandents did a great job in writing a comedy story
Challenging yourself is always fine, but if you don't like it (modern setting) then I would suggest not to do it. Especially if it's your first writing experience. This is just a suggestion, but start with something you're comfortable with, or something that is challenging but you would like to try it/ it really interests you. I do like the sound of abstract.
These are just my thoughts of course! I wish you all the best in your writing and can't wait to see it during the Writer's Camp :blush:

It's... It's up to you man xD
Just go for what you're interested in and put effort into making sure it makes sense

It's up to you, of course, but I just personally really dislike harem stories. XD They can be done well, of course, but they aren't to my personal taste. I much prefer a really deep, genuine love story between only two characters, but that's just me. If you do a harem thing, just make sure every character who's in love with/messes with him has their own wants and flaws in life and has a personality and things to do outside of pining over the protagonist. Comedy vs. drama is again completely up to you; I personally love dramas, but I think people on Tapas probably like more fun stories rather than dramatic ones, so comedic might be the way to go--especially since you prefer it. I think the setting is all you. My only preference would be that if you do a modern one I wouldn't personally like if you did a modern high school setting since it's so played out for BL, but other people really like it. So again; up to you~! In the end, you should go with your gut~! Good luck in the competition!

Whoa thanks! Comedy is, indeed, really difficult to write. It's a weird mix of timing, pushing the limits of absurdity, thinking outside the box and keeping in mind that what makes you laugh might not be what your readers will find funny...
I honestly wouldn't suggest going for a full-on comedy as your first try, but you can go light-hearted without it being necessarily comedy...
Other than that, the best advice we can give is: write what you want to read, the way you'd want to read it.
And please, for the sake of a good story, don't make the BL part the core of it >< a light hearted romance is always good, but the fact that the protagonists are male or female or whatever should NOT be the only point of focus. They are PEOPLE, that appens to be men, that happen to fall in love with other men.

Thanks for the feedback guys!

Ok I’m thinking of doing a love story about an inventor and a tailor around the turn of the century America ^^