22 / 32
Mar 2023

Oh yeaaaah that makes sense Egypt was in the Old Testament to get technical but it’s really well done whoever did this did a great job

Thank you for the well wishes, everyone! :heartbeat: I look forward to sharing my new coaster photos. And I'm also enjoying seeing what's making other people happy. :grinning:

@NickRowler This is the one in Tampa, Florida! About a hour and a half away from my city (Orlando).

I love this topic.

I´m really happy about band practice today.
We played unplugged and it felt great.
We had our first show last saturday and it was better than
expspected. I was really nervous because I´m the singer in
that band and I´m not confident at all.
The band practice felt great because everything seems
to be easier since we played that show and I feel better
about my voice

Thanks, I'd like to comment here. I am happy that I have been more honest with myself about something that has been going on in my life for the last few weeks. I feel like I can do it all and without feeling pressured by what that entails.

I feel like I have more time for myself and for everything I want to do.

Technically made me happy last night, but—

I’ve been working full time since August 2021, and I find it drains my energy, so much that when I’m home from work I can’t find myself wanting to draw, and when I force myself, I don’t enjoy it.

However, got some energy powder thing and had it last night, and it helped tremendously! I had so much energy I was able to work on one of my comics and enjoy it, and it felt great!

I understand this powder is probably a short term solution and I can’t rely on it forever, but in that moment, it felt GREAT.

This topic is so wholesome :smiley: There has to be at least a tiny glimpse of something nice every day.
I'm happy that I finished drawing latest chap or my comic. Walking in the rain is always nice and bought myself a slice of cake to reward myself :joy:

What really makes me happy today is that the flyer for my comic course for kids is out.

And I´m happy that I´m making progress with the story I´m writing, it´s really going well

I clocked out from work and when I got home my babaroo had me a chai latte waiting for me when I came home <3.

I hope you have a wonderful break!

This is a great topic, we need to spend more time thinking about what makes us happy, especially as I am feeling a bit unhappy as I lost a subscriber today which makes me doubt myself even though I've been getting lots of lovely comments on my story :frowning:

So I will forget that thought and focus on happiness which is my cat purring:smile_cat:

This was technically yesterday, but I made a bit of a breakthrough in straightening out an arc of my comic which was kind of contrived and out-of-character; yesterday, everything just clicked for me and I'm very happy with the rejigged outline of that arc :smiley:

I bought a cap today, it looks a bit like this, very 1930s style.
I wasn´t so happy with my look for a really long while now because I´m never
happy with my hair. The cap gives me new self confidence.
The woman in the shop invited me to her backroom, we chatted for 2 hours
and then she read poems that she wrote and later she asked if I want to
go to a restaurant with her :smiley: it was a bit weird but it made my day

And I think the cap is magic by the way, people smile at me more when I wear it

Hello everyone, Today might be special day for me as I hit 200+ views on my novel in Tapas. Initially I thought I would not get even a single one, but to my surprise 200, holy shit !!. I think I will remember this throughout the day. It's making me excited and happy to the point that I want to write more and more..... So yeah, that's what happened today :sweat_smile:

It was my birthday yesterday, and this CAKE that my spouse made is bringing me joy.

Heya, guys! Good evening. I just got back from my trip to Busch Gardens. My fiancé adored it! Happy to see good things happening to everyone. :blush: I also saw a novel I've been reading as a community banner so heck yeah! (Not saying who because they've always seemed a little shy about praising their work but they definitely deserve it.)

Sharing a new piece of SheiKra merchandise for my collection! I've loved this gorgeous ride since I was a little girl. :roller_coaster::heartpulse: