Boooooooooo freakin hoooooooooo! When that's the majority of your strips, it becomes clear that you don't actually suffer from those conditions so much as you suffer from being addicted to cheap attention on social media. I'm not to going to deny that people go through periods of depression and social anxiety. I've certainly been there myself, but again, there's only so much suspension of disbelief that can go on when the punchline for every strip is how weak you are because of your issues. Not to mention its creative stagnation too.
Also "look at me I'm quirky!" type comics.
No. You're not. You are fake though that's for sure. In fact, If you really were quirky, you wouldn't need to remind your social media followers of that 24/7 now would you? I equate this to "girl gamers" who post 90 percent boob and ass shots and maybe 10 percent gaming related content on Instagram (and even then, its bland casual fare like Call of Duty).