73 / 120
Jul 2020

Hi there Raj (I assume), how's it going?

I see quite a lot of people using LibreOffice. Surprisingly, I've never heard of it prior to this thread. Does it have any major advantages that you feel MsOffice or Google Docs don't have?

I couldn't just keep a simple glossary. I need to write everything down otherwise I would definitely forget. My memory is atrocious.

I might take a look at some of these and send them to my artist. Flatton, Croppy, and Lazy Nezumi are new to me so I'll maybe take a look later tonight.

Thank you and have a nice rest of the day :wink:

Hi Shanny, how're you doing?

Scrivener is incredibly useful. Do you use all the functions and have the whole story planned there or to what extent do you use it?

CSP and PS are most likely the most common tools that comic artists use. Seems pretty useful. (I can't even draw a smiley face so I wouldn't know :D)

If you have a look at this thread, I think that some people mentioned some tools that are easy for creating 3D backgrounds. It's definitely worth a try. :wink: GL with that.

Have a good one!

Hi there Miss Monocle, how's it going?

I've never heard of Sims being used as a drawing aid. That's really smart and seems pretty useful. Did you figure it out yourself? If yes, kudos to you for that.

Have a good one :wink:

Hi there CodeMonkey, how're you today?

Scrivener is amazing for that kind of stuff. I don't know what I would do without it with my joke of a memory.

Do you use the premium version of Grammarly or just the regular one?

Thanks for the reply and have a nice rest of the day! :wink:

Hi there Darkone, how's it going?

I've never heard of Pro Writing Aid. Is it a paid program? What exactly does it do?

I think I've heard of campfire but I've never used it. How're you liking it?

Also, isn't it confusing writing 2 stories at the same time? I would definitely be confused. And are you uploading both of them every week or what's your schedule?

Thanks and have a good one! :wink:

Hi there Curry,

I'll take a look at Krita (even though I've got no idea what I'm doing but I'm a curious person so why not :wink:) Thanks for the link!

I'll also take a look at your comic and see the results for myself. Thanks for sharing it as well!

Have a good one!

Hi there Amanda, how's today going for you?

I've seen quite a lot of people using their own photos as references. How come I've never thought of that before? I don't really draw but I haven't really thought that artists would be using that.

The trick with Google Maps seems pretty neat!

Have a nice rest of the day!

Just planning to do a little writing tonight. Other than that it has been a nice day.

@Fuzed I havent used the program to its full extent; I'm still learning stuff as I go along, but so far it has helped me do what I need.

I used the premium version in order to get into the tone and other factors, not just grammar stuff.

You have a great day too!

And how are you liking it? Would you say that it's worth the money?

It's also the other reason why i don't use Photoshop because as much i would love use that program i can't afford the monthly subscriptions. So i turn to other alternative programs like Clip Paint Studio, Krita, Gimp or Medibang Paint Pro

Well, Clip Paint Studio and Krita both seem to be very popular

Well it's mainly up to preference what you want to use and which you feel more comfortable to use with. So it's mainly up to you which you want to use.

I've heard of other people using games before as a drawing reference for perspective, a notable one being minecraft due to the simplicity of the blocks in that game. I had also tried using 3D modeling programs, but those were really hard to figure out and were better for establishing shots of buildings. Then I tried using the sims strictly for drawing reference and angles, mostly because I felt guilt for using it as a direct background even though that is pretty standard for a lot of comics and manga. Then I decided to just go for it with newer pages, and it allowed me to work a lot faster. So now I use sims 4 for background lineart for interior shots, adding my own extra pieces here and there and then coloring and shading it all by hand. It's pretty fun and allows me to have more control over backgrounds than I would if I relied on photos.

For my book projects (mine aren't Tapas related but this program could still be useful), I use Reedsy, which is a free website that allows you to write directly online, and it lets you format your book 'professionally' with sections, chapters, quotes, front and back matter, etc etc, all that as you go. You can move things around really easily and it's just so smooth to use. Another great thing on Reedsy for people considering any kind of publishing is the Marketplace feature, which allows you to contact and hire publishers and editors with lots of credits and experience in reputable magazines or publishing companies. For corrections, I leave it all to good old Grammarly.

To make my comic, I currently just use Ibispaint X on iPad since it's free and pretty much made exactly for comic creation. It's honestly amazing for a free app, tons of features, it allowed me to start a project I'd been dreaming about for so long and without spending any money. The only downside is watching 30s ads to unlock all the brushes every 18h (quite worth it if you ask me), though I guess the sheer amount of stuff packed in the app is kind of another one, since it overheats my iPad quite fast and I usually sit down for 6-8 hours of drawing. For poses/any other references or even just inspo, Pinterest is my go-to and more often than not, a lifesaver. If all else fails, I'll take pictures of my own hands/mimic poses in the mirror lol

I recently purchased a 2-in-1 touchscreen PC, and I'm honestly very sad to leave Ibispaint behind! I'll be switching to drawing on my laptop with Sketchbook; the full version is now free for everyone and from the little I've tested it, it seems pretty good. Someone mentionned Gimp and I've been using it for graphic design for years, but I'm not sure how good it could be for drawing and making my comic... Guess I'll have to test that out too!