15 / 18
Sep 2020

Heyo! I started posting my webcomic on WEBTOON around a month ago after around a year of posting on Tapas.

My comic seemed to greatly appeal to WEBTOON staff, I got featured on up and coming, recommended series and I’m currently on rising stars, all within one month. This GREATLY affected my subscribers, views and overall stats, and it’s still doing so.

The thing is, compared with other featured series, mine seems to get a wayyyy smaller growth. Might be because of the genre (GL) which is still very lacking and not very appreciated (at least compared to romance and BL stories) but compared to a lot of the other featured series with a similar number of episodes, mine seems to stay a bit behind

Maybe I’m overthinking it too much, I’m very very grateful for the spotlight given to me by WEBTOON, and I’ve gained a lot of loyal readers thanks to them, I love the community there and feel very appreciated, I was just wondering if I’m doing something wrong or if my growth it’s usual ://

Here are my stats from last month (not featured) and this month

  • created

    Aug '20
  • last reply

    Sep '20
  • 17


  • 1.6k


  • 8


  • 17


  • 1


If you got 3K subs and 40K view in a month, it's really good =) I am featured on front page right now, doesn't come even close to this lol. Comparing your comic to others in stats is the worst idea. Don't forget to apply for creator bonus program :ok_hand:

congrats and I agree. getting any attention on webtoons is WAY harder for me than tapastic.

The situation is totally different for me though, haha :smirk:

Don't get too discouraged, I'd say you're doing really well! My series is brand new so I can't comment much on growth related to how far along you are. Also, how do you know if you get featured? Did you get an email from Webtoon or did you see your series in the up and coming section?

@kinleypavone they don't, but they start sending you e-mails for every 1K subs you hit :slight_smile: Before hitting first 1K you can only find it by seeing a sudden boost in subs and going for a search of your comic somewhere on front page/Canvas upper part for advertising.

Just to be sure, I can only judge the first 1K notification situation by last year, maybe they changed something :slight_smile: Besides usual "you hit...subs" they only ever sent one email to notify us being in Recommended and we still have no idea why they did it once in like 15 times we were on the front page :joy:
Anyway, good luck!

Thanks for letting me know I'm just being overdramatic xD I really shouldnt compare myself to others. Ill apply for the bonus program this month since I hit the requirements :relieved:

On the emails, I got 0. I only get the 1k, 2k, 3k, etc. But for people like me, and seemingly you as well who get featured quite a bit it could get annoying lol. Even when I went to recommended people thpught I'd sent a photo for them tonise but no, they picked a random panel. The only way I knew was the random big increase in subscribers, or people sometimes commented :stuck_out_tongue:

I really enjoy getting those emails haha :smile: Especially that after first few thousands it became much harder to get many subs (at least for me), so unfortunately they don't come as often ^^
But yeah, you're doing great, especially since you showed on front page almost immediately after staring publishing, don't worry :+1:

I've only been promoted on Today's Hot series (someone tell me cuz I'm not sure if its algorithm or staff or a combo of both) I usually get a surge of subs around 500-1.5k but then the next time i update I lose some but I'll gain back throughout the week. And the more you get promoted the more you lose subs. Been on Today's hot 3x.

8 days later

I have a question, once you applied, how long did it take for them to get back? It’s been about a week and I have yet to hear from them

I don't think they reply you in any way (because they never do). You will just find out it's working. Not sure if it will actually work since the month you applied, probably only the next one (but I won't lie, I don't really remember, just thinking it's always like this).

Mine got promoted once in the Spanish webtoon in the "Today's hot series" and I've seen a rise of 1.3k subs, Now it's being promoted again and I'm curious if it's gonna be the same :slight_smile:

Yeah, I got accepted but I didnt even know until I was checking comments and an ad popped up under the page :smiley: trying to add my payment info now but the website is giving me a hard time lol

It fully depends on where it's being promoted. I've seen anywhere between 400~1000 subs per day except for when I got on the "Spotlight" section at the bottom of the For You page, where after a week I had only gained maybe 100 subs.

With your comic, though -- and this is just my opinion -- I think you should change your thumbnail. The thumbnail is what draws readers in to make the first click. Your views:subscribers:updates ratio is good, so it's evident that once people do read your comic they like it. You just need to get more people interested in clicking.

Perhaps zoom in closer to the faces, increase vibrance or add dynamic lightning, and have more contrast between the characters and the background :smiley: