40 / 83
Jan 2021

Lol, it's an all male "cast" and the first question was... how do you feel about a female... lol we'll see.

As to noble, I don't know. Selfish mostly I think because I don't want to see my work disappear and I know when it comes to the audio drama and theatrical work he may want to delve into it. Plus his parents are actors (regional) so there is that.

The dream for me is to be able to live off my content, and have a large enough following that people understand what I'm gushing about when I start talking about my stories :sweat_smile:
And it's definitely not about the fame (I get enough anxiety posting here or anywhere) I just want that community. I love my stories so much, and they got me through a lot. I want to share them and be able to focus on them without worry.

Ah, changing the cast can be quite drastic :sweat_smile: I’m sure it’ll turn out great in the end though

@HopefulAttempt I definitely relate to that. Writing is like an outlet for me, and it’s basically all I ever talk about. I guess you could say I’m married to my work, but I’m also more than a little terrified sharing it with the world.

I was terrified of posting any of my work to start with, and I still am. I spend so much time editing. I only started writing three years ago, and I was a biology major :laughing: finished my degree but I'm here hoping I can end up saying "Living the dream" unironically xD

I feel that. I’m currently a computer science major with a minor in biology, graduating in May. Despite not majoring in English, I still really want to make a career out of my writing someday.

My dream is to get to work on this I want to go to an event and be with you and give you an art made by me for you. I am interested in living with you and my subscribers, so I g I would like you to support me to accomplish this

Every day I strive to bring you a better chapter, If you subscribe and allow me to work on this, the personal thing is what I like to do the most, that is my true dream, and I make an effort every day to achieve it, I am busy, I am sad, or I lose myself. a meal I am always creating what I like the most and I will not stop doing it,

I hope that one day we get to know each other and that day will be because I work hard, thank you for your attention

I want to have a printed 48 pages comic which is also available in a web comic format

Just to live a quiet life in Morioh.


Selfish guy enters chat: I became an author and artist because I needed to practice my writing and drawing skills to write the stories and draw / model the graphics for my games. That it !

First answer would be to make a living off of my writing hobby but real talk (leans in closer) I'd die happy if someone made some fanart of my monster boys. I have a mighty need to see them in a visual medium.

I'd like to see my series get animated, that'd be pretty cool.

As an artist - I want my series to be adapted for TV and be able to work as a writer and/or producer on projects.

Once I'm more established. I want to open a charity that does as much good as it possibly can do. Like I have an idea for a community center that would offer adult learning, career counseling, mental health services, even employ a handful of teachers to tutor kids and help them graduate early if they'd like. Around Christmas time, my charity would also do a Secret Santa program to keep spreading the good. (Like the East Idaho News Secret Santa videos on YouTube. Watch them and prepare to sob.)

I want to be the very best,
Like no one ever was.
To catch them is my real test,
To train them is my cause!

I will travel across the land,
Searching far and wide.
Each Pokemon to understand
The power that's inside!

Gotta catch em' all!

To be able to make a living from my comic so I don't have to work as a janitor my whole life. Got a long way to go.

I want my comic to get really popular, and eventually get a physical book release. A BBC TV series of Realmwalker would be a dream come true. Most of all, I want to inspire people, and make them happy

One day world leaders would solve their differences through MMA fights.

In probably the most self-centered sounding way possible, I totally fall into the "moderate internet fame" category :sunglasses:

I don't anticipate ever reaching a point where I could live from only doing art/comics, nor do I really care about that so much (I'm deeply grateful for the side-income it brings in though!) But I would love to build up to a relatively large following like some of the artists and authors that I most admire and have their level of interaction with fans across many platforms~

Art and comics are a hobby for me, so my primary short term and persistent goals focus mostly around having fun and skill building. But I see accumulating a large following over time as proof that not only are those skills being built up effectively, but also that lots of people are enjoying my work, and so that's the long term goal :slight_smile:

I want to wake up one day and see that my book exploded. Reads and subs are pouring in, it is trending and popular, and the whole nine yards.

My modest dream is 50K reads. On anything, anywhere. Just 50K reads, I know it’s pittance, but I can’t get it no alter how hard I work and what I try. And I want it.

50K reads, just 50K reads... I want to see it at least once...

I just want to be remembered and to have things that I've put my all into be liked. I want the hard work I put into this be seen, but I want to achieve it with nothing but hard work. And, being super selfish, I'd like to see fan art of my works. I'd like to know what I put out into the world can at least reach one person.

Obviously I'd love to have a career in arts and design and I'm currently working on that, while balancing everything else. I'd like to keep my autonomy and work on things were I can say "If it were anyone else, it would not be remotely close to what it is now." To escape that cog-in-the-machine sort of workflow.

To leave behind something that's unmistakably me. To have that very thing live beyond me and hopefully inspire, entertain, challenge or be noticed by someone out there. And if that person can say, even a little bit, that my work was an influence or inspiration, I would die happy.

Also to finish what I start. That's a good first step.

Modest dream:

I'd love to be able to make a modest living telling and drawing stories I want to read. I actually don't mind working my current job - it's a nice change of pace (I'm an introvert, but I do need socialization, and my work has some awesome coworkers I consider friends) and in the summer when I was laid off I actually kind of went batty. My dream would be to make 60% of my necessary income from art and writing and 40% from my current job, which has many part-time and auxiliary options. I'd also love to teach art and creative writing classes in community centers or summer programs. An older friend of mine basically lives this life and it sounds kinda perfect, peaceful and actually quite achievable.

I've kind of already started on this dream - I downgraded my hours to 20/week (just enough to keep medical coverage and sick pay and just enough pay to survive on) so now I can focus on first recovering my health, then writing and building my art business.

Pie in the sky dream:

I'd love to see a TV show made of my work, like, long-spanning multi-season kinda thing. Animated or live action, I don't really care. It would be awesome to work in the production and development of it (like G.R.R. Martin did for Game of Thrones) and it would be SO AWESOME to see all of the fan interaction with it. I realize you have to be a HUGE name to be allowed near production but, hey. There's a reason it's a pie in the sky dream.

Then when I get the fat stacks for my genius writing, I'd also like to fund a charitable cause. Right now I volunteer with an animal shelter and will also do some volunteering with art classes at the gallery after COVID, but it doesn't have to be these causes. I'd probably want to fund something to do with housing and/or artist grants and/or sustainable living.

Ah, we are on the same activity sector then : software development. Me I want to touch praticly everything who as something to do with it. But I do not what to learn more than the basics of AI and data research & development needed for games, imagery, compression, etc.

That's fair. I thought about doing game design for a while but eventually decided I wanted to work more in the healthcare field or with the armed forces. Feels like a better fit for me, I guess. I do love playing video games though!

Your dream sounds lovely, btw.

My long-term dream is to animate a story that I'm writing on and off currently to pitch to my friend's company...Right now, I'm writing on the story that I absolutely adore. I'm also slowly learning sign language to incorporate into the story as the main love interest/ character is hard of hearing like me. I, however outgrew my hearing aids to due years of bullying and stress but I'm learning to learn them again...The real reason why I :cry: stopped wearing them wasn't because of the bullying or my high school intentionally breaking them, dropping them and stepping on them. Nope, it was because I hated the sound of my own voice. Whenever, I wore them, my voice didn't sound natural to me and that's why I stopped wearing them.

Been on the forum a while and I get super bored irl. Sometimes it's just nice to talk to someone.

Thank you!

Also that sounds really cool about the pitching, and I love that you're using sign language in your story! I'm so sorry about the bullying you experienced. I've had my own fair share of bullies, so I can definitely relate. And I'm sure you have a great voice.

I want to get to a point as an artist where my work is good enough and popular enough to support myself just by making comics and doing custom commissions for people. I'm still learning and I have a ways to go. But this is something I'd really like to achieve in the next 5 years. I'm tired of being underpaid at my current job working for other people who don't appreciate the the time and effort I put in. If I could find a way to get paid to make art consistently enough to make it my full-time income that would be beyond amazing.

I wanna have fanart and fanfics of my characters one day, I wanna start my own fandom and create a bunch of stories that'll hit with some people that other media can't emulate, inspire people to start making things even if they suck

Similar to what Onegai my melody, Tiger & Bunny, Pripara and several other things did to me

Not everyone likes them, not everyone will remember them, some have things they prefer over those or feel literally zero spark of inspiration, but for me, it wells up a special feeling in my heart that keeps going

I wanna create that, something that resonates with someone to the point where they keep going even if they wanna give up, something that they love just as much or maybe even more than me

I just want there to be proof that I existed when I am not here anymore. If my scribblings or words made at least one person entertained or think about the world in a different way, that's just a side-quest I suppose.

To create something I can see a return on, thus proving my efforts weren't for nothing and that I'm not a complete failure.

OOH, i thought of another good one.
I want someone to recognize all the obscure music references in my comic. :slight_smile: