53 / 83
Jan 2021

Ah, we are on the same activity sector then : software development. Me I want to touch praticly everything who as something to do with it. But I do not what to learn more than the basics of AI and data research & development needed for games, imagery, compression, etc.

That's fair. I thought about doing game design for a while but eventually decided I wanted to work more in the healthcare field or with the armed forces. Feels like a better fit for me, I guess. I do love playing video games though!

Your dream sounds lovely, btw.

My long-term dream is to animate a story that I'm writing on and off currently to pitch to my friend's company...Right now, I'm writing on the story that I absolutely adore. I'm also slowly learning sign language to incorporate into the story as the main love interest/ character is hard of hearing like me. I, however outgrew my hearing aids to due years of bullying and stress but I'm learning to learn them again...The real reason why I :cry: stopped wearing them wasn't because of the bullying or my high school intentionally breaking them, dropping them and stepping on them. Nope, it was because I hated the sound of my own voice. Whenever, I wore them, my voice didn't sound natural to me and that's why I stopped wearing them.

Been on the forum a while and I get super bored irl. Sometimes it's just nice to talk to someone.

Thank you!

Also that sounds really cool about the pitching, and I love that you're using sign language in your story! I'm so sorry about the bullying you experienced. I've had my own fair share of bullies, so I can definitely relate. And I'm sure you have a great voice.

I want to get to a point as an artist where my work is good enough and popular enough to support myself just by making comics and doing custom commissions for people. I'm still learning and I have a ways to go. But this is something I'd really like to achieve in the next 5 years. I'm tired of being underpaid at my current job working for other people who don't appreciate the the time and effort I put in. If I could find a way to get paid to make art consistently enough to make it my full-time income that would be beyond amazing.

I wanna have fanart and fanfics of my characters one day, I wanna start my own fandom and create a bunch of stories that'll hit with some people that other media can't emulate, inspire people to start making things even if they suck

Similar to what Onegai my melody, Tiger & Bunny, Pripara and several other things did to me

Not everyone likes them, not everyone will remember them, some have things they prefer over those or feel literally zero spark of inspiration, but for me, it wells up a special feeling in my heart that keeps going

I wanna create that, something that resonates with someone to the point where they keep going even if they wanna give up, something that they love just as much or maybe even more than me

I just want there to be proof that I existed when I am not here anymore. If my scribblings or words made at least one person entertained or think about the world in a different way, that's just a side-quest I suppose.

To create something I can see a return on, thus proving my efforts weren't for nothing and that I'm not a complete failure.

OOH, i thought of another good one.
I want someone to recognize all the obscure music references in my comic. :slight_smile:

I have... lots of dreams lol. I really want people to cosplay my characters, draw fanart, create fanfics, etc. I want people to like what I create, and I want my characters and stories to inspire people to create their own!

I've got a couple dreams hahaha.

The biggest one: I'd like to be able to create my comics full time!

It would be amazing if I could devote the majority of my time to creating stories and worlds, and sharing them with people. How realistic is that? Who knows. But one step at a time I guess, hahaha.

The other dreams are pretty standard to most creators. Know that I've had an impact and created something memorable, build a fanbase, maybe get some fanart and see how much fun people are having with my ideas. Who knows, though.

I want a home, if only that becomes real I would be the happiest luckiest person in the world.

I want to work in television, so maybe my goal (tho not 100% realistic), is to create something that gets my foot in the door.

Tho for a more down to earth goal is just creating something that someone enjoys reading. It would also be cool to create merch one day.

I am not a big spender so I don’t care about getting rich. Having livable income would be fine by me.

I probably sound shallow, but I wish to be financially stable so that I could live alone and just spend full time on drawing. I can work on multiple projects and draw more without work stealing my energy.

I wish I had fans too, but my social awkwardness transcends into cyberspace so I still struggle with interacting with others. I haven’t thought of fan letters until now. I kinda miss letters. I haven’t gotten mail like that since the penpal days of elementary school.

Pay my parents bills so that they can live without having to worry about money, but also without us (thir kids) having to live at home in their house to be able to pay the bills. (right now we all split the bills since no one can afford to move out on their own but also if we leave how are our parents going to pay the bills??)

I'd like to be a storyteller, although I don't know how it will be yet. Dunno if it's comics or books or something else. Figure I'll try em all and see what sticks. I do want to have that fame, and I don't think it's bad to want that, especially since the amount you need to make money from online income is (checks notes) a lot? It's a lot. I don't want to be crazy famous, but I do need to make the living thresh-hold. It's just a slowly but surely process and again I've been around the block so...eventually I'll make something that sticks, right?

Also, I just want to be able to make my style and my stories without it being so...ignored? If that makes sense? Like I want to be the person people copy instead of hiding how I draw and how I paint all the time. Kinda tired of emulating other people's IP or other people's styles to garner interest. Kinda tired of feeling like if I post any original content I'll lose followers. Like I see artists who draw one OC and they'll have people in the comments just begging for the rest and it's like...that's what I'm looking for.