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Jul 2024

Lately I’ve been seeing a lot of people mainly on insta that have goals like ‘getting 10k followers before August’ and things like that. In my opinion, it’s strange.

Sure it’s good to have a goal to try and get to a certain amount of followers or subscribers (I personally have that too), but to set an end date just feels odd to me, cuz you can’t control it. And it makes them appear ungrateful if they don’t reach it by that time.

Idk it just feels strange to me.
But what’s your opinion on it?

  • created

    Jul '24
  • last reply

    Jul '24
  • 6


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I think that we should have some goals and try to complete it but going crazy for that is not good but you should have some aim and some discipline not in terms of follower but on improving your art.....i also wanted to complete 100 subs on my novel but for that i will not ignore the quality of mu novel..

i don't think it feels ungrateful, personally, I think people just like to set milestones for the date at which they want to get things done by. I did the same thing with one of my novels, I didn't reach the goal, but I'm still grateful for the subs I go

Goals can be fun, for example my goal is to reach 100 subs for my novel The Lost Forest, I don’t have a set deadline for said goal.
Just seeing that someone liked my story enough to want to keep track of when I updated ,it’s a good feeling and makes me want to write even more,

There is a better way of telling your readers that you'd be happy if they told everyone about your work so you can grow enough to make a living off of it;

Telling your readers that you'd be happy if they told everyone about your work so you can grow enough to make a living off of it.

But everyone is so used to YouTube and Tiktok style gaming the algorith that they often forget that it's the readers aren't a means to reach a goal, they are the goal.

I think having reasonable goals is a good idea, believe it or not having goals that you vocalize can (and does) make fans more motivated to subscribe if they haven’t, share it, etc, especially if you offer something like “if we can reach this goal, I’ll post certain BTS content” or along those lines. However, you should always be grateful no matter what, and never sacrifice the integrity and quality of what you do. Don’t push anything too far, remain humble, and stay kind.