20 / 25
Nov 2020

From the UK too! So Bonfire Night (Guy Fawkes day) tomorrow and Remembrance Day. I tend to watch fireworks from my bedroom window, I let my neighbours handle all the trouble haha :fireworks: :flushed::tea:

Thanksgiving in the US, but more importantly (at least for me harhar)... my birthday!!! :joy:

The Day of The Dead on Novmber 1st and celebrating the Independence Day on November 11th.

We have All Saint's Day on the 1st (The same day I have my birthday),
St. Martin's Day on the 11th, Memorial Day on the 15th,
Day of Prayer and Repentance on the 18th and Dead Sunday on the 22nd.
But November 1st is the most important day for me because everything is closed. : P

All Saints Day and Souls day. Other than that, I don't think we have any more (maybe Bonifacio Day but it's not really like the other two)! We do prepare very early for Christmas though, starting on September LOL

I am an happy Indian, and yes, we do celebrate Diwali in our country...
It is basically like a festival of lights.
We decorate our houses with lamps and candles and on the previous night, we create a bonfire...

We even pray to our gods and goddesses. It is actually celebrated as in our myths and legends of our holy books, it is an auspicious day as Ram (an avatar of krishna) returns back to his kingdom after 14 years of his exile in the forest after killing the tyrant ruler, Ravana.

The best and the worst part is people burst firecrackers as though their is no tomorrow (but I never created such pollution, nor do I approve of it...:triumph:)

lots and lots of sweets till we are ready to puke.If you really want to know you can read my mom's poem on the festivities

Same here bro... Gimme a high-five...:raised_hand::raised_hand:

We have two things. November 11th - remembrance day (For the freedom fighters). November 18th - Latvia's independance.
On the 11th is the bonfire walk. School kids hold candles and walk together. (Doubt that will happen this year) On the 18th we just watch fireworks and eat some tasty things.

Thanksgiving and Black Friday are always November events I always look forward to in the U.S.

Nothing. November is the sh*ttiest month. No, wait, there's Father's day but that's just extra stress bc I never know what to get for my dad orz

In germany we have one every day, but i suppose the question is which ones are celebreated
and it also depends on who you ask. I know several people who celebrates men´s day and we
have the national and international men´s day for some reason but
I wouldn´t consider it as a big festivity, the same with some religious festivities, we have 6
in november and that´s a big deal for my parents but I don´t care about them at all and don´t
celebrate them

Here are the important/biggest ones (in my opinion) in november:

Wednesday 11 St.Martin fest
Thursday 26 Thanksgiving
Sunday 29 1st advent, I think that´s also the day the christmas markets normally open

They do it all month long at all the surrounding villages. It’s very loud (lots of people wear ear protection) but an amazing experience.

It draws huge crowds so I think it’s cancelled this year due to the virus. 🥺

In Hastings there is also (usually) a pirate festival in July - that is epic! Thousands of pirates all on the beach. :grin::+1:

I forgot one important festivity.
The carnival season would normally start on november 11 at 11h11minutes am and it lasts until february.
I know quite a few people who lost their whole income because they only work in the carnival season