7 / 24
Dec 2020

For The Action Fruit Society




The nature of The Action Fruit Society is meant to be light hearted action packed fun. However, although it's a series about giant fruit ninjas, doesn't mean that it'll shy away from mature themes. It doesn't.

I actually wrote some music for my comic actually :o

slides into the thread

My opening song is "Red Shift" by Ayria for well... obvious reasons. :grinning: (This is the opening animation I did!)

My outro would be...

Because the lyrics fit and just yes.

I like cartoons and anime too much not to think of all the dynamic animations and animated credits. Both for lyrics and mood, really.

(it would probably be the short version of both of those songs, but just in case anyone wants to enjoy the full ones)

I'm creating my comic now but if I had to pick an intro and outro, it would be this song because it's fast paced like the comic. It also has a Cowboy Bebop feel to it. Really like the bass and drums in it.

@Legendofgenii Legend of Ashitaka is a really wonderful soundtrack, I do think it would work great for Genii (also just yesterday I listened that whole Ghibli concert XD)

Figuring out the intro was harder than the outro for some reason.

Intro: If I Could be Like You by Castlecomer

Outro: Sense by Last Dinosaurs

I'm honestly not sure what I'd pick as far as an intro to Redux goes, but for a while I've imagined an outro animatic to this song:

I think I already said this but that song has 1000% ending feeling to it. It would be sooo cool to see an animatic of Redux to that! :heart_02:

Hahahaha thank you! It really does feel like an outro song. Maybe I'll try to make an animatic at some point as an experiment :thinking:

So far these are what I would choose for Burning Shadows.

The lyrics fits Flare's struggle pretty well and I think the chorus is so cool!


It has the classic more chill tone of an ending and it's Imagine Dragons so... Jokes aside, as much as the opening fits Flare this one does as much to Shade and I like to have both characters reflected in the songs.

Music is a huge part of my writing process, so I've had a lot of time to think about this. For my intro, it would have to be Blues Saracceno's "The River".

Why: my story is a Dark Fantasy with Seinen themes blended with Western. The main character is from the American Southwest and is my own take on a Western Gunslinger. When I think of a song that best sums up his journey, especially in the beginning, this is the music I think of. The melancholy tone, the foreboding track, the gritty foreboding tone of the lyrics. To me, this track best summarizes the initial mood of the story.

Now as for the outro, that one's a bit trickier. If I had to choose one I'd probably pick this piece here.

Again, still dark and a little gritty. But it's far more melodic and there's an element of peace that it brings. Almost like the end to a hard struggle, whereupon the hero finds himself resting now. The war isn't one, but for the moment, he can rest his eyes and relax. I see my main character smoking a cigarette in this scene, gazing out the window, his guitar in hand. He takes a long drag from his smoke and blows a cloud of smoke in the air, which forms into the shape of a chinese dragon as the credits roll through it.


This gives me the impassioned sensation of coming together through strength of understanding, of coming to see eye-to-eye so that we can stand closer together and withstand the storm - a major theme of the story.


This would match the dizzy wistfulness of the two protagonists and the wheel of time that keeps them spinning diametrically opposed to one another with the centrifugal force of their circumstances. Also demonstrates the plight of the soul who desperately wishes to but can't escape the material and sometimes cold laws of the universe.
