@powerplantanimations yea can totally see that XD tho stick ppl always manage to hold stuffs
@GuroH aww Atermis is sweet, skull lives the simple life, Luke & Ellie dedicated to their adventures for sure
@harlan Arq and Raffa in the same boat on that alone time, and knowing the tough challenges ahead yep he deserves that decent mug of ale
and Lynae, her spa day! Pretty boy wants a promotion #dedicated & Bolin expanding business! Can't wait to read more
@catthebat sounds like some relaxing birthday activities. Can't rem the last time I visited an arcade, wishing Cassin fun there
N see Leondre went the simple stay home n chill
@Hipiticus power huh? Might be one step closer with that
unless Xiz has plans with them rubberbands XD