8 / 19
Jun 2021

Each week I try to learn a new skill/draw a new thing as part of my novel's illustrations, and sometimes I'm pleasantly surprised. This thread isn't about those times. This is the thread for the things that made you throw up your hands and say "[probably] NEVER AGAIN!"

I'll start:
fallen leaves

  • created

    Jun '21
  • last reply

    Jun '21
  • 18


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Effing trees, but the settings I make has trees in them because it makes sense T_T.

It used to be drawing backgrounds but now that I'm making a comic I'm kinda forced into drawing them, but the one thing I've given up in drawing ever since I was kid is Frieza 1st form, though I could probably easily draw it nowadays but it frustrated me way to much as a kid

A pine cone. I still have the urge of crushing them when I see them in the wood. It was the never ending drawing assignment from hell in my 1st week in college.

Once upon a time, I had a commission from a really lovely, polite person to paint a realistic, cute German shepherd puppy surrounded by flowers, all cute, sweet, almost rainbows and glitter shooting out of every orifice. I. Hated it. I hated every single bit of that commission, and I refuse to paint anything of the sort ever again.

... unless someone pays me.

I imagine you probably have your own methods, but these tutorials helped me with trees (and they have some other helpful tutorials on this website):

@crowstories - I thought your hail turned out really well! But I totally get where you are coming from. :slight_smile:

For me, it isn't a specific thing I won't draw again, but a type of medium. Watercolors frustrate me to no end, which is frustrating in itself because I really like the way they look! I've done tutorials; I think it's just the randomness of how the paint spreads that drives me crazy. I guess I like precision in my work! XD

I'm glad you think so! I think the subject matter is just psychologically tainted for me, at this point.

You know.... I used to do a lot of ink wash, but I've never tried actual watercolor, aside from the funky ones we had in elementary school. I assume it's pretty similar? I found that blotting was key... also mastering surface tension lol

Hmm, blotting - I'll have to see if that helps. Thanks for the suggestion!

Weirdly enough, I've had more luck with ink washes than watercolors. Might be the pesky 'color' element throwing monkey wrenches at me again. :laughing:

Try getting different colors of ink! And sometimes it worth it to just wait for the piece to dry completely before moving on to the next part.

Do logos and website layout count?

It's the most common thing I get requested for work (for irl offers not over the internet ones) and it's not my f*ing skill set.

Also porn commissions. They really f*k up my anatomy skills and make me really bad at it (even though many artists say it helps with their anatomy skill) because some of the requests are just... f*king impossible to do correctly??? Like if they want all the shots and angles they're requesting this dude is gonna have his bottom half looking like a f*ing boat. That's really the only way you're gonna be seeing his blank AND blank from an overhead looking down shot like ******ing shit.

A. I fear anything related to graphic design.

B. I'm cracking up trying to imagine this commission.... I think I might be too asexual for this.

Scaffolding. It was great idea on paper, but then you begin to draw and realize that you need to draw LOTS and LOTS of parallel lines. Ugh...

Drawing a dog, dear god. I don't know why I can't draw them, I can draw cats or whatever else. Something about their legs or something just looks WONKY