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May 2024

Collective of Heroes3 is a collective of superhero webcomics, curating the best superhero comics on the web. It has a Discord, which you don't need to be a member to contribute. It can be a great place to talk superhero comics or whatever, and I would wonder who might be interested in joining.

And yes, as of me writing this, the collective doesn't allow for Tapas or Webtoon comics (due to needing to put a widget on one's comic site, and Tapas and Webtoon don't allow for that sort of customization), but we're discussing a system that can allow for them. It's possible some of the creators here can become members in the future (and that's more likely if you're active in the community--things often work like that).

But as it is, if you're interested, you can comment on this post about your interest, or PM me the same, and I can PM you a link to the Discord. It's invite-only due to some people with less than honest intentions having gotten in before.

  • created

    Apr '24
  • last reply

    Apr '24
  • 3


  • 327


  • 1


  • 2


I'm tentatively interested; my own comic is a superhero/magical girl comic, and I see some names on the list that I recognize.

The moderator of the Discord said she can handle if some less than savory people get in, that I can post the invite link in the thread, so here it is2.