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Aug 2020

hi, my name is josh I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice on how to post my work effectively bc I am really struggling with promoting :disappointed::disappointed: I have webtoons account i think it might be my rating bc I was at a 10 now it a 7 but regardless I really love my comic but .i am having been doing this for a year and I just feel stuck bc I post a new page for my comic every day with little success I feel it's my art ability is what's holding my art back. take a look do you think my comic is just bad

  • created

    Aug '20
  • last reply

    Sep '20
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I've had the same problem when I first started on this site. What really helped me was interacting with people on forums. Just get out there and start talking to people. There are even threads that will help promote your comic to others.

DEFINITELY the best is having an online presence.

Use Twitter: regularly talk about your art, post about your next update like a pic of your sketches, talk about how you ate a burrito because life fucking sucks, and post your link whenever you update your comic. Follow other authors too and interact with them regularly so you become present in the community.

Use Reddit: Go to the Comics subreddit and post your updates there regularly! Don't forget to post your links! Be sure to support other artists too, be a part of the community, and just become very EPIIIIIIC! Make sure to check other subreddits too!

Use a website: Make a domain for your comic and post all your work there, preferably earlier than when you do on Tapas and Webtoon.

Use the Tapas forums: interacting with the Tapas community and helping your peers is THE BEST way of getting readers who might be interested in your work! Read them, make them your fan, and become their fan as well! It's like sub for sub but instead of dead readers, you're actually building a healthy friendship and communication with your peers.

INSTAGRAAAAAM! THE BEST WAY TO PROMOTE A COMIC! Post that comic update, use a fuckton of hashtags, and follow a lot of artists! Become an active member of the community and maybe even pay to make your IG post an ad! I haven't tried it personally, but I heard it works!

There's so many other methods too out there and the best way for you to find your readers is get comfortable with at least 1 to 2 social media site ONLY so you'll have your full attention on those places! Hope this helps!~~~ read my book UwU jkjkjkjkjkjkjk! ...unless.

For the sake of being honest, yes, your art isn't professional level yet, and your time and energy would probably be best spent working on the artwork and the presentation of the comic itself before promotion in this case. It doesn't mean that you're not worthwhile, or your time making your comic was wasted. I can see that you're working hard to improve, and that you're experimenting with techniques. You've clearly been dedicated in making pages and uploading regularly, and you should be proud of that.

Improving art is an endless part of a comic artist's life, and all of us who make comics can sympathise with pouring our heart, soul and all our effort into a page, feeling like we really did our best, only to be told "hmm, it's not very good", "needs improvement", "did not place this time, better luck next year". We've all been there.
To help you along your road of improvement, here's my special stash of tutorials. I've collected loads of good stuff here on anatomy, composition, perspective, cloth folds, shadows and colour theory that should hopefully help you out:

i agree with the previous statement. its really difficult for the new generations of artists feeling pressured to publish their early works and they expect to get attention over it. OP, i would focus on study comics and art for a few years before stressing about feedback. i totally sympathise with your feelings, but back then when i was a noobie i didnt have to publish anything

Most reliable: Post a message to the Latest chapter and Latest art threads in the forum. Include link to your series.

Long term: Set up info on your series to web lists and voting sites.

Create accounts on social media.

Wisely manage the social media. Do not burn out the followers. Do not get locked by over-zealous posting.

I personally believe social media is the best route to promote your webcomic. It could be through twitter, instagram, facebook and even youtube. Most people don't mention it but sending your comic to friends also helps. Forums are also another good avenue to promoting your webcomic. Another thing to take into consideration is keeping a steady uploading schedule helps bring attention to new viewers.

As for your artwork I dont think its bad at all maybe some characters need some color or shading but thats really a stylistic choice. It could be the format in which your telling your story. I myself ran into that issue when I first started out my webcomic. The dialogue was hard to read and some of the dialogue was reading right to left instead of left to right. Pacing and transitioning in your story can also be a problem. If your pacing is too fast it doesn't allow the readers to register what's going on. If your transitioning from one scene to another isnt smooth then it might appear random or out of touch with the story flow. I suggest you look at webtoons that are successful as an example to help improve your webcomic. Overall you webcomic has potential and I know if you work hard to improve you'll get even more subscribers.