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Mar 7

I can't really decide whether I should slow things down and release like one chapter per 2-3 days or just release a bunch of chapters every week. Any advice can help.

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From a reader's perspective, I prefer creators releasing content more frequently with shorter intervals rather than releasing more chapters at once after longer periods of time.

I’m struggling with this as well. My issue is that my chapters are big. Like, they take about a year to make. That’s why I’m thinking of also doing a spin-off series with my characters that can be published once a week. Maybe that’s something that can work for you too.

It's the opposite for me. I make so many chapters that are about 1000-1500 words in the span of a few days that I feel like releasing all of them at once would just not be a good idea. I've also been thinking of doing some spinoff novels like a prequel or just some bonus chapters of some sort.

I'm struggling with the same. At first i thought about releasing one chapter every week, but at the same time i'm trying to make the chapters shorter for readers to not feel overwhelmed with a lot of text so maybe once a week is a really long. That doesn't seem to be your problem so, i would realise one chapter every 2-3 days, with this schedule you can upload atleast 2 long chapters a week and have time to write and revise the next chapters without any pressure. I believe that's a nice schedule, not only for readers to get content frequently, but also for you as an autor no have time to rest and focus on making the best novel possible.

I think it depends on what you can do ideally and maintain consistency throughout the book/series. You're setting an expectation for your readers. If you set it high release rate at first and have to dial it back a few times, you're introducing variability in your schedule and messing with those expectations. Sure, its okay to have to change (in fact I'm slowing down due to an evolving family medical issue that's straining us), but you don't want to keep being unpredictable.

Also, readers are human and understand little blips, but again I think considerations for consistency is more important than fast releases out the gate that are unsustainable.