21 / 134
Mar 2021

So... all my character names are nicknames heavily tied to the backstories they explain in the novel. I don't want to give too much away, because it's kind of the whole point of the story, but I feel like I am safe in Talking about Duenna's name a little.

The word "Duenna" according to Miriam Webster is "an elderly woman serving as governess and companion to the younger ladies in a Spanish or a Portuguese family" Which is a big reason as to why that is her name. It should also be noted that Duenna herself is not Spanish or Portuguese, but there is a reason that her name is.

My main character's name is Ziggy and as far as I know it means absolutely nothing. I took it from David Bowie's 'Ziggy Stardust' because I didn't feel comfortable assigning a meaning or ethnicity to the name.

Jack's name is Jack because... he's a Jackalope.

I actually went back and forth on this for a long time when creating the character, but honestly? It might seem too obvious, but a Jackalope has gotta be named Jack.


My characters Names are very important to me, so it takes a while to choose the right one.

Edgar means wealthy spearman/ owner of the spear - also a tenth century King was know as Edgar the Peaceful
His last name Ethereal means light, airy, or tenuous
Augustin means great, magnificient
Philomena Ceridwen means lover of strength, goddess of poetic inspiration
They last name Nefarious means Sinful, dark, villainous, criminal, or wicked

My name character's name is Aster, she was named after the flower. Since it stands for love, wisdom, and valor, her parents blessed her with that name, knowing from Aster's birth that she would be a strong, wise person with a firm strength of mind and an open heart.

I have a few name explained under one of the chapters, but the Petrosinovi siblings names meanings are:
Albena (Албена) - There are a few theories about where this name comes from. One is that it is derived from another word for the colour red "alen", while another one states that it comes from "ablen", a dialect word for the mountain peony.
Bozhana(Божана)- It is a female name meaning God's woman. God is Bog in Slavic languages.
Vulchan(Вълчан) - A male name, given to protect its owner from wolves.
Kalina(Калина) - Another one of my favourite names, Kalina is a popular female not only in Bulgaria but in other Balkan countries as well. It comes from the kalina tree, also known as viburnum. Another name for it is samodivas tree.
(The names are given in Cirylic alphabet order, not the birth order)

My story is a Christian Fantasy (as in a Fantasy story with Christian influences, like Chronicles of Narnia). Because of this, a lot of the character names stem from there.

Joshua Davidson and Caleb Michaels get their names because of Joshua + Caleb from the two spies for Moses with Joshua being the one who took over after Moses. Davidson because David is one of the greatest kings in the Bible (plus other stuff), then Michaels because of the angel Michael. Then I have Samara Avraham who goes by Mara, and her going by that name has a Biblical reference that is also a spoiler, then Avraham for Abraham, another important Bible figure. So yeah... I had a lot of fun with names XD

Here is my story and a little pitch to go with it!


A 16 yo boy with a hero complex finds himself soul-bound to a dragon, fulfilling dreams he has had since he was a child, but it all changes when his family is dragged into the middle of a magical war. With lives at stake, he will have to learn quickly and adjust to his new teammates before its too late.

My main character's name is Scarlet. Her name is the word for a bright shade of red. It's also a very rare way of spelling this name (more common is the name Scarlett - double t). Her name is the only one with an important meaning for me. Some of the background characters have names that I chose after a pattern but it's not that important.

oh nice, I always like japanese names, they always sound cool :smiley: I have to get a japanese character in my comic one day.

@Stargazer31 the gunhild name gives me Viking vibes, maybe I'm wrong but it seems norse, especially Ingrid since I have a norwegian friend with that Ingrid as her name

@CodeMonkeyArts the name sounds really fucking cool and has a cool as meaning as well :smiley:

Hi everyone!

This is a cool thread! When choosing my character's name, I just picked a name I liked when I first started writing.
When I just looked it up, one of the meanings of her name is martyr! This is oddly fitting for her! 🖤

The Name of one of the Name Characters is 'Jake Hunt'.
It just popped up first in my mind when I created him, 'Hunt' is an allusion to his personality.

Philippa is my main girl and she's a witch. Her name means lover of horses. I was going to have her familiar be a horse mainly because she is an eccentric witch but changed my mind. But I may bring it back though! lol

Didn't know her name meant lover of horses until I looked up the meaning just now.

FYI I made her familiar a monkey instead

My main character's name is Mikhail Lebedev.
Mikhail is the russian form of Michael, which is the name of an Angel
Lebedev is a russian last name that comes from the word "swan" in russian.
Because he's an Angel with swan wings : )

My main character’s name is Darzsa. I wanted a unisex name that started with a D. I came across Dara, but I wanted something a bit more unique. So I ended up landing on Darza then Darzsa (softening the z). And I think that he’d like someone like Zsa Zsa so it fits :heart_03:

His name also means wise (Dara) and lily (Zsa)

"Grim", a mispronunciation of Graham (which means 'homestead'). He got the nickname from his classmates and decided to own it, and lengthened it to "Grim the Reaper" as his 'superhero' title, in the style of Sonic the Hedgehog (and to make sure it wasn't too similar to the traditional title of 'the Grim Reaper'). He's a psychopomp in-training.

Oh, this is fun! Luca totally has a protagonist name for sure!

I usually go with my gut for names and chop up the names of people I know in rl, but for the protagonist of my comic MagicalMashup! I actually did think a little more about her name.

Junah means Sun in Arabic. I thought it was pretty and fit how I wanted her to be like sunshine. Round and Radiant.

Now for the co-tagonist Kaelen... I swore his name meant wise when I named him all those years ago, but when I looked it up to make sure I'm not talking out of my buttcrack, I found that it means skinny in Gaelic and that just makes me laugh XD bc young Lady T. would be that simple and name him something like that as I like to play with opposites attract, but just wow skinny, lol. I mean Kaelen is a cool-sounding name too so props on that anyway, but still...

I have 3 main characters:
1. Allura her name means to entice or attract, and it's a nod to how the gods and people of her world take notice of her and her actions that end up shaping the war and the future of what is to come! She has no last name because she abandoned it, and Allura isn't the only name she ends up with in this story :smirk:
2. Flora because she is a bright personality and the name means flower, and she is always to be the light in the darkness so to speak despite being a mage of darkness.:cherry_blossom:
3. Axis's name is after the C2 vertebra known as the axis which the atlas vertebra sits on. The atlas is what supports the head. So in short the axis supports the atlas which controls the head and Axis supports Allura who controls a thing that would be spoiling the story if I said what it was. :heart:
I spend a lot of time on names because as a reader I love that crap.

Lorelei means "temptress" or "alluring" (which she is absolutely NOT) XD. She has no game at all. It's also associated with "siren of the rock". She was named Lorelei by her guardians because she was found on the seashore amongst the cliffs.

So... even though I have many Characters, two in particular have various meaning with their name and surname, and those are Alfredo and his Mother Jadie:

Let's start with the mother, Altough her name "Jadie" isn't much special, Her Nickname "Sunny", reference Her joyfull, happy, and warming personality, while also being everyone's light of happyness, and that connects to her son's (Alfredo) nickname "Starlet" as well, as Sun and Star are the same thing, but in Alfredo case, He is the "Guiding star", that leads everything in the general course of the events.

Alfredo, otherwise, has not much meaning by itself, but He has many play on his name in Japanese:
Alfredo > Arufuredo, his diminutive Fredo > Furedo, also translate in Fred, and his other Diminutive Alf > Arufu, can be turned into "Alpha" with the change of the last letter (Arufa)... Altough there is a reason for that, I can't reveal why, time will tell as we progress with the story, just wanted though to share this bit of trivia.

GENRE: Fantasy, Sci-fi Drama
There are so many people in the World of Gaia, each one of them has a story to tell, of events that changed their life drastically, both for the better, and for the worst...
One start, and Five stories, of the preluding events that mark the beginning of the Story, of "The Golden Garden".

Set in a "Fantasy" world with Sci-fi roots, "Stories from the Golden Garden" is an Graphic Novel anthology that, following the Prologue, will tell 5 short stories about a few individual, all connected together by Destiny, while they celebrate 4 Holidays typical of their world, and also with the Origins of the Main Character, and that will all lead to the main story of "The Golden Garden".

Enjoy your Stay, Have a nice Day!