2 / 134
Mar 2021

My main characters name is Luca Vincenzo
He is Italian so the meaning is derived from the Italian language
Luca means "Bringer of Light"
Vincenzo means "to conquer" or "to win"
So all together it refers to a "Bringer of Light that Wins"

What about yours?

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My main character is Hugh Oscar. It is just a random English name I picked out. He's of Scottish descent so I got the Oscar off a Scottish last name page.

Apparently Hugh does mean "hug" :joy:

Generic stickguy, literally meaning what it sounds like.

Oh my! This is quite the interesting thread! My main character Seraphina Yuso has quite the meaningful name with hidden meaning put into it by her father.
Seraphina comes from Hebrew and is named after the highest angels Seraphim. It means ardent and fiery which is surprising considering Seraphina's personality is very kind and gentle rather than fiery.
Yuso comes from Japanese and means transportation or to transport.

Basically, that can make the meaning of Seraphina's full name something like this: transport of the ardent . In return to my novel it has more meaning than it seems and actually makes sense. But saying more about that would be a massive spoiler so this is all I can deliver to this topic. :rofl: I really like to make name choosing complicated because oh boy do all my characters names have deep meaning jwjsjs

I didn't put much thought into the meaning of my MC's name. I picked two icons from the 1970s - Jaime Summers and our Lady of Carter, Lynda (Wonder Woman) and merged them to name - Jamie Carter. The other character's names also have broader meanings like Robin = Thief, Serena = calms people, etc.

My main character name is Kenji
It means "the second that is healthy, strong" or "the second that is improved, studied". This masculine name is of Japanese origin and joins the following kanji: ken (健), which means "healthy, strong" or ken (研), which is "study, improve"; with ji (二) which means "two".

here is my comic (is an AU)


as a girl's name is of Greek origin meaning "violet-colored dawn"
Iola (with a capital letter 'i", the forum font makes the capital I look like an el)

Gunhild means woman of war, and Sigrun means victory rune. Ingrid means beloved or beautiful, depending on how you translate it.

Kaguyo Ryuutsugi, meaning god's heaven (or sunshine depending on how you interpret the kanji) - dragonclan. Or just Kaguyo of the Dragan Clan. It's derived from the nanori readings of 神陽 竜族. It doesn't have much significance now but it will later on down the road of the story. This was originally inspired by Tenchi Muyo's Kagato. He shares some of the kanji in his name.

My MC name is Ira Dante.

Dante => Dante's inferno reference
Ira => Ire => Wrath, which is Ira's Sin.

I haven't started to upload my story yet but I'll take part in this thread anyway.

My main character's name is Cinna Annis. 'Cinna' comes from the word 'cinnamon' while 'Annis' is simply 'Cinna' reversed but with an 's' in place of the 'c'.

Poor little Cinna indeed.

My characters have either really normie names or they are made up entirely and they mean nothing. And yes, there are several main characters. But...

Aerin - Enlightened in hebrew. I guess it kinda fits.
Andrew - derived from the greek name Andreas man, brave, warrior, firstborn son in hebrew if I'm not mistaken
Layla - dark as the night, in arabic or simply night
Cynric - With royal might or kin ruler (this is news to me)
Sool - means salt in estonian

Heaven Hunters has two main characters, Savina and Nira.

Savina Is named after the spicy Red Savina pepper. In her original design, she had grenades that she had painted little peppers onto. Those got removed from her design pretty quickly but might make a comeback for a scene or two sometime in the future.

Nira is short for "Munira", which gets used a couple times in the first issues. Munira means bright light, or radiance.

I have two main characters. The first is Margarita, who I knew from early on would be Hispanic. I couldn't pick a name for her for a long time, and I ended up just scrolling down lists of Hispanic female names and finally happened upon Margarita. I liked that the other character could shorten it to Marg, and it was a little offbeat without being unfamiliar.

The other character is Mitta, and her name came from absolutely nowhere. It popped in my head early on in planning, and I liked it. In fact, part of the purpose was for her name to come from nowhere; I didn't want it to have any meaning or significance. Why will become clear later on, but the idea was for it to not quite feel like a real name.

I'm currently working on a completely different story where the main character's name is Carmen. One of the recurring motifs in the novel is the color red, which bears a lot of significance for her. Carmen is derived from carmine, a shade of red.

The second main character in it is Tomm. The very first version of this story (which I tried to write 10 years ago when I was about 12) was inspired by a scenario I came up with while playing with Kelly dolls. The character that evolved into Tomm was a boy doll, which were called Tommy dolls. I wanted to keep the name as a fun little nod to the origin, but Tommy sounded to young for a teenager, and Tom was too normal and boring. Tomm, spelled a little funky, felt very fitting for his personality and still kept that nod to the dolls in there.

I generally don't go deep into name meanings when picking them, but am much more inclined to scroll through lists of baby names until I find one that feels right.

So... all my character names are nicknames heavily tied to the backstories they explain in the novel. I don't want to give too much away, because it's kind of the whole point of the story, but I feel like I am safe in Talking about Duenna's name a little.

The word "Duenna" according to Miriam Webster is "an elderly woman serving as governess and companion to the younger ladies in a Spanish or a Portuguese family" Which is a big reason as to why that is her name. It should also be noted that Duenna herself is not Spanish or Portuguese, but there is a reason that her name is.

My main character's name is Ziggy and as far as I know it means absolutely nothing. I took it from David Bowie's 'Ziggy Stardust' because I didn't feel comfortable assigning a meaning or ethnicity to the name.

Jack's name is Jack because... he's a Jackalope.

I actually went back and forth on this for a long time when creating the character, but honestly? It might seem too obvious, but a Jackalope has gotta be named Jack.


My characters Names are very important to me, so it takes a while to choose the right one.

Edgar means wealthy spearman/ owner of the spear - also a tenth century King was know as Edgar the Peaceful
His last name Ethereal means light, airy, or tenuous
Augustin means great, magnificient
Philomena Ceridwen means lover of strength, goddess of poetic inspiration
They last name Nefarious means Sinful, dark, villainous, criminal, or wicked

My name character's name is Aster, she was named after the flower. Since it stands for love, wisdom, and valor, her parents blessed her with that name, knowing from Aster's birth that she would be a strong, wise person with a firm strength of mind and an open heart.